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Lesson 113 Small change 零钱


Lesson 113 Small change 零钱

Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who has got some change?

CONDUCTOR:     Fares, please!
MAN:           Trafalgar Square,please.
CONDUCTOR:     I'm sorry, sir.
               I can't change a ten-pound note.
               Haven't you got any small change?
MAN:           I've got no small change,I am afraid.
CONDUCTOR:     I'll ask some of the passengers.
CONDUCTOR:     Have you any small change, sir?
1st PASSENGER: I'm sorry. I've got none.
2nd PASSENGER: I haven't got any either.
CONDUCTOR:     Can you change this ten-pound note,madam?
3rd PASSENGER: I'm afraid I can't.
4th PASSENGER: Neither can I.
CONDUCTOR:     I'm very sorry, sir.
               You must get off the bus.
               None of our passengers can change this note.
               They're all millionaires!
TWO TRAMPS:    Except us.
1sth TRAMP:    I've got some small change.
2nd  TRAMP:    So have I.

New Word and expressions 生词和短语
conductor n.   售票员
fare n.   车费, 车票
change v.   兑换(钱)
note n.   纸币
passenger n.   乘客
none pron.没有任何东西
neither adv. 也不
get off     下车
tramp n.   游浪汉
except prep.除……外


售票员:  请买票!
男  子:  请买一张到特拉法加广场的票。
售票员:  对不起,我找不开10英镑的钞票。
男  子:  恐怕我没有零钱。
售票员:  我来问问其他乘客。
售票员:  先生,您有零钱吗?
乘 客1:  对不起,我没有。
乘 客2:  我也没有。
售票员:  夫人,您能把这10英镑的钞票换开吗?
乘 客3:  恐怕不能。
乘 客4:  我也不能。
售票员:  非常抱歉,先生。您必须下车。
流浪汉1: 我有零钱。
流浪汉2: 我也有。