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jetshing  Posted at: 14/8/14 16:55 : No.1

新版外语教学与研究出版社出版的新标准英语(New Standard English)小学四年级下册(3B)电子课本和录音下载。

1.电子课本,在线学习或下载:NSE 4B
Module 1
Unit 1 She's a nice teacher.
Unit 2 He's cool.
Module 2
Unit 1 London is a big city.
Unit 2 It's very old.
Moudle 3
Unit 1 Robots will do everything.
Unit 2 On Monday I'll go swimming.
Module 4
Unit 1 Will you take your kite?
Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou?
Module 5
Unit 1 I was two then.
Unit 2 They were young.
Module 6
Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday?
Unit 2 Was it a big city then?
Module 7
Unit 1 I helped Mum.
Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish.
Module 8
Unit 1 They sang beautifully.
Unit 2 I took some pictures.
Module 9
Unit 1 Did he live in New York?
Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday?
Module 10
Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike?
Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate.
Revew Module
[postmoney=1]下载地址:NSE 4B


新版外语教学与研究出版社出版的新标准英语(New Standard English)小学四年级下册(3B)电子课本和录音下载。

1.电子课本,在线学习或下载:NSE 4B
Module 1
Unit 1 She's a nice teacher.
Unit 2 He's cool.
Module 2
Unit 1 London is a big city.
Unit 2 It's very old.
Moudle 3
Unit 1 Robots will do everything.
Unit 2 On Monday I'll go swimming.
Module 4
Unit 1 Will you take your kite?
Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou?
Module 5
Unit 1 I was two then.
Unit 2 They were young.
Module 6
Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday?
Unit 2 Was it a big city then?
Module 7
Unit 1 I helped Mum.
Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish.
Module 8
Unit 1 They sang beautifully.
Unit 2 I took some pictures.
Module 9
Unit 1 Did he live in New York?
Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday?
Module 10
Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike?
Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate.
Revew Module
[postmoney=1]下载地址:NSE 4B


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