Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from a BBC news report.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.
A team of archaeologists has started one of the largest investigations ever mounted on the WWI battlefields. They have been given permission to _________ a large section of trenches and tunnels close to the huge Lochnagar Crater.
Being so slight and spindly, it is not really surprising that ancient harvestmen have a relatively poor record. Only around 33 _____________ species have been discovered so far, and for some of those the quality of preservation is not brilliant.
A metal detector enthusiast has found a major ___________ of Viking silver in a field on the Cumbria-Lancashire border.
For 150 years, a species called Archaeopteryx has been regarded as the first true bird, representing a major evolutionary step away from dinosaurs. But the new fossil suggests this creature was just another feathery dinosaur and not the significant link that __________________ had believed.
The prime minister believes stability and an end to the debt crisis is ___________ for any chance of a recovery in the UK economy.