Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from BBC news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.
calm / pedestrian / traffic-choked / taken over / awareness
1. Tahrir Square - the sprawling, usually __________, plaza at the heart of Cairo - became the hub of the revolution which unseated President Hosni Mubarak on 11 February.
2. Four water cannons were deployed by police. The area returned to __________ at about 03:00 BST.
3. She established many of the smuggling routes, __________ by the Medellin cartel after she was sentenced to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking.
4. Back in 2003, a group of young men started a movement to clean up the streets of Darayya and raise __________ among people to fight corruption.
5. In 2009, wealthy 20-year-old Hu Bin killed a __________ on the streets of Hangzhou.