What is qualitative evaluation?

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Qualitative evaluation is an assessment process that answers the question, "How well did we do?"


Here are some examples of qualitative evaluations in several areas of literacy:

  • Content, quality, and relevance of a program

    • What was learned?
    • Are the learners using their new knowledge? If so, how?
  • Attitudes and achievements of the learners

    • What do the learners think about the classes, the teachers, and the materials?
    • Do they think the literacy classes made a difference in their lives? If yes, what kind of difference?
  • Selection, training, attitude, and ability of teachers and other literacy personnel

    • Did the teachers do a good job of communicating the new information?
    • Did they respect and support the learners?
  • Quality of resources (including literacy materials)

    • Do people in the community like the materials?
    • Do they think the materials accurately portray the local culture?
    • Do they think the materials are appropriate for each group of learners?
    • Do the materials communicate information they want to learn?
  • Efficiency of strategies and activities

    • Do people in the community think the literacy program is successful?
    • Do they think the teachers and writers are trained properly?
    • Which activities do they think are good? Which activities do they think are not good?
  • Costs in relation to what was achieved

    • Do people in the community think the results of the literacy program are worth the cost and energy that were necessary to get the program started and to keep it going?
See also

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