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wenhui  Posted at: 07/1/29 17:58 : No.1





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zouya  Posted at: 07/3/5 19:41 : No.2


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wenhui  Posted at: 07/3/14 11:37 : No.3


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ihaveadream  Posted at: 07/3/23 14:49 : No.4

i have no money

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zouya  Posted at: 07/4/15 11:56 : No.5


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zouya  Posted at: 07/4/15 12:06 : No.6

very good

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快乐迪迪猫  Posted at: 07/6/19 9:42 : No.7

good.就是too   expensive

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dianadiao  Posted at: 08/3/7 21:42 : No.8

Thank you very much!!

And here is something from a story. Will anybody read it?

It was a bright, sunny Sunday. Faruq had gone to the forest for

a picnic with his teacher and his classmates.

Faruq and his friends began playing hide and seek.

Suddenly Faruq heard a voice crying, "Be careful!" Faruq
began looking to right and left, unsure of where the voice was
coming from. But there was nobody there.

Later on he heard the same voice again. This time it said, "I'm
down here!"

Right next to his foot Faruq noticed an insect that looked very
much like an ant.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm a termite," the tiny creature replied.

"I never heard of a creature called a termite," mused Faruq
"Do you live alone?"

"No," replied the insect, "We live in nests in big groups. If you


like I'll show you one."

Faruq agreed, and they moved off. When they arrived, what the termite showed Faruq looked like a tall
building with windows in it.

"What's this?" Faruq wanted to know.

"This is our home," the termite explained "We build
these ourselves."

"But you are so small," objected Faruq. "If your
friends are all the same size as you, how can you possibly make something as enormous as this?"

The termite smiled. "You're right to be surprised, Faruq. For little creatures like us to be able to make places like this really is very
surprising. But don't forget, this is easy for Allah, Who created us

"What is more, besides being very tall, our homes have other
very special features to them as well. For example, we make special children's rooms, places for growing mushrooms and a
queen's throne room for our homes. And we don't forget to make
a ventilation system for our homes. By doing this we balance the
humidity and temperature inside. And before I forget, let me tell
you something else, Faruq, we are unable to see!"

Faruq was amazed "Although you are so tiny you can hardly
be seen, you still build homes just like the tall buildings people
make. How do you manage to do all this?"

The termite smiled again "As I said before, it is Allah Who
gives us these extraordinary talents. He created us in such a way
that we are able to do all these things. But now Faruq, I must go
back home and help my friends."

Faruq understood: "OK, I want to go and tell my teacher and
my friends what I've learned about you right away."

"Good idea, Faruq" waved the little termite, "Look after yourself. Hope to see you again."

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yhtianxia  Posted at: 08/3/20 14:05 : No.9



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