每日一词:To eat your words 承认自己说错了话
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2018年1月24日 作者:BBC Learning English

俗话说“说出去的话,泼出去的水”,人们用这个说法比喻“说出去的话就像泼出去的水一样难以收回”。在英语里,如果某人说错了话,想收回去,那么就可以形象地用“eat your words 吃掉说出的话”来承认自己说错了话。
I used to think that Louise was mean, but I had to eat my words when she gave me a birthday present this year.
Steve was sure that his football team was going to win, but he had to eat his words when they lost 2:0.
Mark promised that the client would sign the contract, but he had to eat his words when they decided not to go ahead in the end.