每日一词:To come down to the wire 直到最后一刻才见分晓
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2018年3月23日 作者:BBC Learning English
表达 to come down to the wire 可用来形容“直到最后一刻才开始做某事”;在比赛或竞争的语境中,它可以用来表达结果到最后一刻才会揭晓。据说,这个表达源于赛马。在电子计时和监控被采用前,裁判会在比赛的终点拉一根绳子以便判断最先冲过终点的赛马。由此一来,比赛解说在多匹赛马旗鼓相当的时候就会说“it's down to the wire 结果就要看最后一刻谁先冲过线”。
They weren't sure which car to buy. But when it came down to the wire, they chose the cheaper one.
This competition will probably come down to the wire! At the moment, it is very unclear who will win.
The choice of which candidate to hire came right down to the wire, as there were two applicants we liked very much.