每日一词:To sit tight 耐心等待,按兵不动
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2017年12月22日 作者:BBC Learning English

表达 to sit tight “坐紧了”实际要表达的意思是“保持不动,待在原来所在的位置或保持原来的姿势”。这个短语常被用在让人“安心等待,按兵不动”的语境中。
I know you're in a hurry, but if you could just sit tight for a moment, I will get you those documents before you leave.
You probably won't be promoted this year, but if you sit tight and do your job well, you might next year.
I suggest that you sit tight until the end of the financial year. Your shares might be worth more by then.