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To be footloose and fancy-free 自由自在 无拘无束

[2018年5月3日] 来源:BBC Learning English 编辑:给力英语新闻网   字号 [] [] []  

我们常说,小孩子们是天真烂漫、自由自在的。表达 to be footloose and fancy-free 形容人了无牵挂、自由自在,不承担家庭或感情上的责任和义务。其中,形容词 “footloose” 和 “fancy-free” 是同义词,意思都是 “自由自在的,无拘无束的”。


Enjoy being footloose and fancy-free while you can, young man. As you grow older, you will have responsibilities.

Now that she’s left her stressful job, she’s footloose and fancy free!

After they got married and had a family, they couldn’t travel as much as they used to! They were no longer footloose and fancy-free.

VOA 英语教学节目