每日一词:To pass the buck 推卸责任
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2018年3月3日 作者:BBC Learning English

大多数人都明白这样一个道理:如果是自己犯下的错误,就不应该把责任推卸给别人。表达 to pass the buck 就是“推卸责任”的意思,它指“明明是自己的问题,却要责备他人”这一行为。
据说,to pass the buck 这个说法源于扑克牌。在过去,人们在打牌时会用一把柄部由“buck 雄鹿”角制成的猎刀来表示是谁在做庄。
Naomi always passes the buck. Whenever she makes a mistake, she says someone else did it.
Don't pass the buck! You know it's your turn to do that!
Lee's team are tired of him passing the buck whenever he makes a wrong decision.
李的团队已经厌倦了他的这个行为 — 只要他做出错误的决定,他都会把责任推到别人头上。