每日一词:Otherwise | 其他
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2016年10月10日 作者:纽约时报

Otherwise 是个简洁而丰富、有趣而麻烦的词。
美式英语的权威工具书《韦氏词典》首先把otherwise解作一个代词,意思是something or anything else,something to the contrary(其他;相反者),比如:was ordered to testify and could not do otherwise(被勒令作证,别无选择)。
The party’s rules state that “the Republican National Committee is hereby authorized and empowered to fill any and all vacancies which may occur by reason of death, declination, or otherwise of the Republican candidate for president of the United States.”
The use of the word “otherwise” has led some people to suggest that the party has some leeway for ridding itself of Mr. Trump. However, election law experts do not agree.
Otherwise还有其他用法,其含义也相应变化。字典上的其他释义有:in a different way or manner (以不同的方式),比如:Art allows us to express things that we would not be able to express otherwise.(艺术让我们可以表达那些我们用其他方式无法表达的东西。);in other respects(在其他方面),比如:The poor sound quality ruined an otherwise beautiful film. (本来是一部优秀的电影,可是却被这个糟糕的音质给毁了。);if not(否则),比如:Do what I tell you, otherwise you’ll be sorry. (按我说的做,否则你会后悔的。)