每日一词:Karez | 坎儿井
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2016年9月25日 作者:纽约时报

Karez,《牛津大辞典》解释为:(in parts of central southern Asia) a qanat。美国韦氏词典考证词源,认为karez一词来源于波斯语。《英汉大词典》解释为:(中南亚地区的)暗渠、坎儿井。
Known as karez, the system of channels is an engineering marvel that has long fascinated scientists and filled this city’s ethnic Uighurs with pride.
There are just over 200 working karez in the region, down from nearly 1,800 in the 1950s, according to government figures. Every year, as many as a dozen of the underground tunnels run dry. Others, contaminated by oil, are abandoned.