关键词:hyphenate 连字符连接,“带前缀的”美国人
时报记者在曾在《拉夫·劳伦,希拉里的御用裁缝?》一文中这样形容知名设计师劳伦:“他并不年轻,不是少数族裔(比如古巴裔美国人或者亚裔美国人)。”(What he is not, however, is young, a hyphenate, such as Cuban-American or Asian-American.)
时报观点文章How ‘Hyphenated Americans’ Won World War I提到,移民浪潮让20世界初的美国成为了一个民族“大熔炉”,1918年,有近四分之一被派至欧洲战场参战的美国士兵是在国外出生的——他们被称作“带连字符的”美国人(hyphenated Americans)。
这些“带连字符的”美国人容易因其外国的根源而遭到质疑,爱尔兰裔美国人(Irish-Americans),德裔美国人(German-Americans)等都曾是遭到非议的对象。以抨击外国移民著称的美国前总统伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)曾在一场演讲中说:
“Any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready.”
“This culinary hyphenation is the specialty of Spice Symphony…The menu name-checks Sichuan and Manchuria, but these references are best understood as darts thrown at a map, not founts of origin.”

“香料交响曲”(Spice Symphony)特别擅长这种中印合璧......饭馆菜谱上出现了四川和满洲字样,但它们更像地图上的标记,而不是这些菜的真正来源。”
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