每日一词:Grit one’s teeth 咬紧牙关
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2017年11月18日 作者:BBC Learning English

英语表达“grit one’s teeth”除了指一个人由于生气而“咬牙切齿”,还可以指“人们在碰到困难或麻烦时,咬紧牙关,依然下定决心接受困难的态度”。
I gritted my teeth and finished eighth in the 10000 meter run. It was my personal best.
My grandpa doesn’t like big gatherings, but for the sake of the family, he gritted his teeth and allowed us to give him a big birthday party.
We had to grit our teeth and accept the client’s terms and condition, because the contract is really important to us.