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[2018-05-15] 来源:VOA News 编辑:给力英语网   字号 [] [] []  

From Washington, this is VOA news. I'm Christopher Cruise reporting.


Deadly violence has marred the opening of the new United States embassy in Jerusalem.

The Israeli military accuses the Palestinian group Hamas of using protests as cover to carry out attacks, but Trump administration says responsibility for the more than 50 deaths on the border with Gaza "rests squarely with Hamas."

Associated Press White House correspondent Sagar Meghani reports.

Israeli fire along the Gaza border has killed dozens of protesters. But White House spokesman Raj Shah says it was in self-defense. The real blame is on militants who led the protest.

"The responsibility for these tragic deaths rests squarely with Hamas"

Palestinian U.N. ambassador Riyad Mansour says Israel's guilty of war crimes and he wants the Security Council and global community to investigate like they would any other deaths.

"The Palestinian people should not be the exception to the rule."

Sagar Meghani, at the White House.

Many of America's allies along with its foes expressed criticism of the U.S. decision to open its embassy in Jerusalem, saying it would increase tensions in the Middle East.

American officials say several dozen additional Marines are being deployed to beef up security at embassies in Israel, Jordan and Turkey following outbreaks of violence since the opening of the new American embassy.

The officials say the increases are temporary and will involve about a dozen more Marines in each location.

Gaza's Health Ministry does confirm now that Israeli forces have shot dead more than 50 Palestinians along the border of the Gaza Strip. More than 2,000 people were wounded. The Israeli military says more than 40,000 people protested.

This is VOA news.

The U.N.'s World Health Organization says an outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo has killed 19 people.

A total of 39 cases have been reported. Three health care workers are among those who have been infected.

Congo's Ministry of Health and the WHO are tracing contacts of the victims and offering them an experimental Ebola vaccine.

The White House says First lady Melania Trump has been hospitalized after a procedure to treat a benign kidney condition. She is expected to be in the hospital for a few days.

The governor of the Midwestern state of Illinois, Republican Bruce Rauner, says he wants to reinstate the death penalty for mass killers and anyone who kills a law enforcement officer.

Women in Saudi Arabia are taking cars for a trial spin at a new auto exhibition as they prepare for being legally allowed to drive once a ban is lifted next month.

Reuters correspondent Michelle Hennessy reports.

Saudi women are getting a taste of what's to come. It's a new female targeted car exhibition in Saudi Arabia as the countdown begins to women legally being able to hit the road once the ban is officially lifted next month.

Excluding women from driving has long been a stain on the country's international image, but the conservative kingdom wants to reform its economy.

Women behind the wheel has been heralded by activists, but also by businesses.

Their inclusion will add almost nine million potential drivers and could lift Saudi's car sales by up to 20 percent annually.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a federal laws that bars gambling on many sports in most states is unconstitutional.

Associated Press correspondent Jennifer Smith reports.

The American Gaming Association estimates that Americans illegally wager about $150 billion on sports each year.

New Jersey is expected to be the first state to take advantage of the Supreme Court ruling striking down a federal law that bars gambling on sports in most states.

Representatives of Atlantic City casino say they will absolutely offer sports betting once it can get it up and running.

Monmouth Park, a racetrack at the Jersey Shore, has already set up a sports book operation and estimated it would take bets within two weeks of a favorable decision.

One research company estimates that 32 states will likely offer sports betting within five years.

And the top story of the hour, the United States officially moved its Israeli embassy Monday from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Less than 100 kilometers away, 52 Palestinians were killed, as many as 55 and hundreds wounded in clashes with Israeli forces along the Gaza Strip border.

President Trump upended long-standing American policy to move the embassy from Tel Aviv, where most nations have missions in Israel.

You can find more on these and other late breaking and developing stories, from around the world, around the clock, at voanews.com and on the VOA news mobile app. I'm Christopher Cruise, VOA news.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

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