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[2018-05-14] 来源:VOA News 编辑:给力英语网   字号 [] [] []  

From Washington, this is VOA news. I'm Christopher Cruise reporting.


The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for suicide bombings at three Christian churches in Indonesia's second largest city. At least 11 people were killed and dozens were injured in Surabaya on Sunday.

Police say a family carried out the attacks. It consisted of a mother and father, two daughters aged 9 and 12, and two teenage sons.

Afghan officials say a group of gunmen, including suicide bombers, stormed a government building in Nangarhar province Sunday, killing at least 12 people and wounding 42.

A government spokesman told VOA the attack in the provincial capital of Jalalabad began with a suicide car bombing at the entrance of the provincial directorate of finance. The explosion let eight militants enter the building.

Afghan security forces quickly engaged the attackers and killed them in a shootout that lasted several hours.

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told ABC news on Sunday that if North Korea agrees to full denuclearization, the U.S. is prepared to "provide security assurances" for the Pyongyang government.

"We can create conditions for real economic prosperity for the North Korean people that will rival that of the South. And that is our expectation. It won't be U.S. taxpayers. It will be American know-how, knowledge, entrepreneurs and risk-takers working alongside the North Korean people to create a robust economy."

Saturday, North Korea said it will begin dismantling its nuclear bomb test site sometime between May 23 and 25.

This is VOA news.

The investigation continued into the background of a man who stabbed five people Saturday in Paris, killing one.

Correspondent Lisa Bryant reports for VOA from the French capital.

Paris prosecutor François Molins told reporters the suspect cried "Allahu Akbar" as he attacked people with a knife. He said investigators were probing the incident for suspected terrorist motivations.

Officials say the suspect killed one person and wounded four others. His parents were detained for questioning. Reports say the suspect was born in Chechnya in 1997 but later gained French nationality.

One witness described the events to French radio of a man walking down the street, knife in hand, attacking people. He was searching for victims, Jonathan said.

Lisa Bryant, for VOA news, Paris.

The 20-year-old man has been identified as Khamzat Azimov. Police shot him to death as he charged them, witnesses said.

The balloting process continues after Iraq's parliamentary elections yesterday. But Associated Press correspondent Susannah George reports voter apathy led to low turnout.

Iraq has long battled entrenched corruption and the political system, and while from the outside world many may see Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi riding this wave after military victories over the Islamic State group, for many Iraqis, what they really want to see is government reform and an improvement in their economy.

Influential Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is the current front-runner after partial national election results were announced.

Another big weekend at the box office for Marvel Studios.

"But this ... does put a smile on my face."

Avengers: Infinity War brought nearly $62 million from North American theaters this weekend, raising the superhero battle epics global growth to more than 1.6 billion. That ranks as the fifth biggest of all-time.

Two newcomers to theaters can challenge Infinity War, but still managed to make healthy debuts.

"... somebody's mom just enrolled in college!" Melissa McCarthy's latest Wife of the Party earned an estimated $18.5 million for second, while Gabrielle Union's thriller Breaking In took third place with 16.5 million.

I'm Ben Thomas.

President Trump said on Twitter Sunday that he is trying to find a way to let the giant Chinese technology firm ZTE "get back into business fast" after the U.S. had barred the company from using American components.

You can find more on these and other late breaking and developing stories, from around the world, around the clock, at voanews.com and on the VOA news mobile app. I'm Christopher Cruise, VOA news.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

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