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[2018-05-13] 来源:VOA News 编辑:给力英语网   字号 [] [] []  

From Washington, this is VOA news. I'm Liz Parker reporting.


A terror attack in Paris.

Sirens filled the streets near Paris' famed Opera Garnier after a knife-wielding suspect killed one person and injured four others. He was then killed by police Saturday night.

The Islamic State group claimed the attacker was one of its "soldiers."

This eyewitness describes hearing the shots fired.

"Then I heard some shots, some fire shots. I walked toward them. Then policeman came, bullet-proof vests. He told me that it was the police that shot fire and that the man was arrested."

Counterterrorism authorities are investigating.

President Emmanuel Macron vowed that France would not bow to extremists despite being the target of multiple deadly attacks in recent years.

North Korea said Saturday that it will dismantle its nuclear test site in less than two weeks.

A ceremony tentatively scheduled for the event that would set up leader Kim Jong Un's summit with U.S. President Donald Trump next month. Trump welcomed the "gracious gesture" on Saturday.

The eastern point of Hawaii's Big Island continued to experience earthquakes from the Kilauea volcano Saturday. Local officials also urged residents of lower Puna district to be prepared to evacuate on short notice.

On Friday, President Trump declared the volcano-affected area a major disaster zone.

The volcano began erupting last week.

We have much more coverage of the volcano and the aftereffects on voanews.com. This is VOA news.

Iraq voted Saturday in its first parliamentary elections since declaring victory over the Islamic State group. The vote happening as tensions grow between neighboring Iran and the United States threatening a power struggle.

Current Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi cast his vote earlier Saturday in Baghdad. He told reporters "I call upon Iraqis to participate in these elections." He also said security is good and calm in the provinces despite rumors terrorists are trying to present the elections as failing.

No clear front-runner has emerged as al-Abadi faces stiff competition.

AP correspondent Susannah George has more.

Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi was running to retain his seat and his biggest political competition came from his predecessor Nouri al-Maliki and also the leader of an alliance of parties that have strong ties to Iraq's powerful, mostly Shiite paramilitary organization.

That was the AP's Susannah George.

Israel has closed a border crossing with Gaza a day after it was damaged during Palestinian protests.

Friday's damage occurred during what have become weekly protests by Palestinians over Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip.

The Gaza Health Ministry said one Palestinian was killed and dozens were injured when members of the Israeli army fired [protesters] on protesters near the border fence.

In Jerusalem, dozens of Israelis and Palestinians gathered Saturday to protest against the upcoming relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The protesters voicing their support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Here is one protester. "We are calling for peace. We are calling for two-state solution. We are calling for the leaders of Israel, of Palestine, of the whole world, including Trump, including everybody, to everything they can, to peace in the Middle East."

And the protest coming just days before the U.S. embassy relocates from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move that has angered Palestinians.

Jerusalem is claimed as the capital of both Israel and a future Palestinian state.

The Taliban insurgency reportedly has killed more than 65 government forces and made territorial advances in fresh attacks across Afghanistan during the past two days.

The clashes in western Farah and southern Zabul provinces erupted Thursday and Friday when insurgents attacked security outposts in these areas.

I'm Liz Parker, VOA news.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

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