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[2018-08-27] 来源:VOA News 编辑:给力英语网   字号 [] [] []  

VOA news. I'm Christopher Cruise.


Officials in Florida say there are multiple fatalities after a shooting at a shopping mall in downtown Jacksonville. Florida is in the southeastern United States.

Multiple media outlets are reporting that four people have died. Eleven were taken to hospitals.

The sheriff said the loan shooter was a white male and was among the dead.

A source told the Associated Press that the suspected shooter died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Pope Francis ended his visit to Ireland Sunday with a religious ceremony attended by hundreds of thousands of people in rainy, windy weather.

On Saturday, he met for more than an hour with eight survivors of sexual abuse. Mark Vincent Healey was one of those eight.

Healy says the letter Francis wrote to Catholics around the world, which condemned the crime of priestly sexual abuse and its cover-up and demanded accountability, is little more than strong words and recycled rhetoric.

One report said when the pope met with the eight survivors of sexual abuse, he strongly condemned priests who committed the abuse or covered it up.

The Islamic State's Afghanistan leader, Abdu Saad Erhabi, and nine of his commanders were killed during a drone strike overnight Saturday.

The missile strike happened in eastern Nangarhar province, the headquarters of the terrorist group. The strike also destroyed two of the group's bases.

This is VOA news.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has rejected the resignations of three top security officials.

A government spokesman said Sunday that Ghani has asked the three to remain in office and "work towards the betterment of the security situation."

Their resignations were offered hours after Ghani's national security adviser abruptly resigned. In his resignation letter, the adviser said he was leaving because of "serious differences" with the top leadership of the government "over policies and principles."

President Emmerson Mnangagwa called for unity in Zimbabwe Sunday after being sworn in before thousands of people in the capital to start his five-year term.

Correspondent Columbus Mavhunga reports from Harare for VOA.

In his inaugural speech Sunday, Mnangagwa asked his political foes to bury their differences for the task ahead.

"We are all Zimbabweans, what unites us is greater than whatever divides us."

The Movement for Democratic Change alliance boycotted an invitation to the inauguration. The party wants to take its objections to the election to the African Union.

Columbus Mavhunga, for VOA news, Harare.

Mnangagwa came to power in November, 2017, after military pressure forced Robert Mugabe to resign after 37 years as head of the country.

Rights groups continue their criticisms of conditions in refugee camps on the Australian island of Nauru.

Correspondent Phil Mercer reports for VOA from Sydney.

Medical experts and refugee advocates say there is a mounting health crisis among children held at Australia's offshore detention centers on Nauru.

Sources say the situation on the tiny South Pacific island is "dangerously chaotic."

Nauru is Australia's last remaining offshore processing camp for asylum seekers intercepted at sea. Canberra says the facility is a deterrent and has stopped people from risking their lives trying to reach Australia by boat. Detainees are told they have no chance of being resettled in Australia.

Conditions in the facilities have been consistently condemned by rights groups.

Phil Mercer, for VOA news, Sydney.

A 6.0-magnitude earthquake hit western Iran early Sunday. One person died, dozens were injured.

The earthquake struck Kermanshah province. It was felt in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.

You can find more on these and other late breaking and developing stories, from around the world, around the clock, at voanews.com and on the VOA news mobile app. I'm Christopher Cruise, VOA news.

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