Imagine yourself in a typing pool in the early 1960s, amid the clack-clack-clack-PING of dozens of Smith-Coronas. You’re out in the open, like a factory worker, with nowhere to hide from the raking gaze of the boss.
Robert Propst, a designer for Herman Miller Research Corporation, wanted to liberate secretaries from that hell. In Europe, office designers promoted the idea of Bürolandschaft, or “office landscape” — privacy screens and office plants — and Propst borrowed it, introducing the Action Office II, a system of click-together desks and pop-up walls, in 1968. Hoping to bring democracy to the workplace, Propst had instead ushered in the cubicle, a billion-dollar industry and a metonym for drudgery.
赫尔曼·米勒研究公司(Herman Miller Research Corporation)的设计师罗伯特·普罗普斯特(Robert Propst),想要将秘书们从那样的惨境中解救出来。当时在欧洲,办公室设计师们已经在推广一种叫“Bürolandschaft”(意为“办公室景观”)的创意——用屏风和室内绿植来分隔私人空间。普罗普斯特借鉴了这个想法,在1968年推出了“第二代活动办公室”(Action Office II),那是一套组装办公桌以及能从桌面上展开的隔断。普罗普斯特本想要给办公室带来民主的气息,却开创了一套格子间办公室格局和一项价值上十亿美元的产业,并且让奴役有了更具体的形态。
In the ’70s, the designer Douglas Ball — inspired by Propst’s mobile walls — created another early cubicle system. “I went to see one of the first installations of this product,” he said. “I came out extremely depressed.” In trying to muffle sound, Ball had made the walls too high, isolating workers in their cells. Only by taking a chain saw to the cubicles, he said, could he remedy the problem.
70年代,受到普罗普斯特的移动隔断启发,设计师道格拉斯·鲍尔(Douglas Ball)创造出了另一种早期的格子间。鲍尔说:“这种产品最早开始安装的时候,我去看了一下,结果气急败坏地走了出来。”为了隔音,他把隔墙弄得太高,每个人都孤立地分隔在自己的小囚室里。他说,这个问题无法解决,只能用电锯把墙锯掉。

During the boom-bust cycle of the 1990s, the cube became the FEMA trailer of officeland; it could be slapped up during good times and knocked down in bad. By the late ’90s, a cube empire had risen in Western Michigan, where companies like Herman Miller, Haworth and Steelcase churned out acres of fuzzy walls.
Meanwhile, Douglas Ball continued to rethink the cubicle, inventing a high-end model inspired by his Westfalia camper van in 2002 : “We have to give people a door and a clothes closet where they can hang up their leather jacket. We can use a lot of glass.” Herman Miller now sells Ball’s cruise-ship cubicle, but it’s a niche product. Meanwhile, cubedom is cheaper than ever: a refurbished telemarketing station costs about $200.
“Not all organizations are intelligent and progressive,” Propst said two years before he died in 2000. “Lots are run by crass people. They make little, bitty cubicles and stuff people in them. Barren, rathole places.” He spent his last years apologizing for his utopia.
Bill Taylor, a data manager in Chapel Hill, N.C., painstakingly reproduces great works of art — Degas, Hopper, Banksy — on the whiteboard in his cubicle.
北卡罗莱纳州教堂山的数据管理员比尔·泰勒(Bill Taylor)在他格子间的白板墙上煞费苦心地临摹德加(Degas)、霍普(Hopper)、班克西(Banksy)等人的伟大艺术作品。
What’s the most challenging piece you’ve ever produced? I tried to recreate this scene of a house on a hill, painted all in triangles. As soon as I started it, I knew it would take three months. I thought, If somebody smudges this, I am going to lose my mind.
But at some point you erase each work? Yup. I leave it up for a few days. And then, That’s that, and I wipe it all off.
In some ways, the cubicle has been your muse. Yeah. I wanted to find my way back to art, and this has given me a way to practice every day and brighten up the office a little bit.
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