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19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris’s Pick for Vice President

[2024年8月8日] 来源:NY Times  整理:Geilien.cn   字号 [] [] []  
明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·沃尔兹的一些支持者欣赏他的中西部“老爹气质”。 CAROLINE YANG FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

Until recently, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota was a virtual unknown outside of the Midwest, even among Democrats. But his stock rose fast in the days after President Biden withdrew from the race, clearing a path for Ms. Harris to replace him and pick Mr. Walz as her No. 2.

Here’s a closer look at the Democrats’ new choice for vice president.

1. He is a (very recent) social media darling. Mr. Walz has enjoyed a groundswell of support online from users commenting on his Midwestern “dad vibes” and appealing ordinariness.
1. 他是(最近的)社交媒体宠儿。沃尔兹在网上获得了广泛支持,他们称赞他的中西部“老爹气质”和平凡魅力。

2. He started the whole “weird” thing. It was Mr. Walz who labeled former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, “weird” on cable television just a couple of weeks ago. The description soon became a Democratic talking point.
2. 他是“古怪”这个话题的发起者。几周前,正是沃尔兹在有线电视上给前总统特朗普和他的竞选伙伴、俄亥俄州参议员JD·万斯贴上了“古怪”的标签。这个描述很快成了民主党的一个话题。

3. He named a highway after Prince and signed the bill in purple ink. “I think we can lay to rest that this is the coolest bill signing we’ll ever do,” he said as he put his name on legislation declaring a stretch of Highway 5 the “Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway” after the musician who had lived in Minnesota.
3. 他以歌手“王子”命名了一条高速公路,并且用紫色墨水签署法案。“我想我们可以放心,这是我们签署过的最酷的法案,”他在签署立法时这样说,该法案宣布将五号公路中的一段命名为“王子·罗杰斯·纳尔逊纪念公路”,以纪念这位曾在明尼苏达州生活过的音乐家。

4. He reminds you of your high school history teacher for a reason. Mr. Walz taught high school social studies and geography — first in Alliance, Neb., and then in Mankato, Minn. — before entering politics.
4. 他让你想起高中的历史老师是有原因的。在从政之前,沃尔兹曾在高中教授社会研究和地理课程——先是在内布拉斯加州的阿莱恩斯,然后是在明尼苏达州的曼卡托。

5. He taught in China in 1989 and speaks some Mandarin. He went to China for a year after graduating from college and taught English there through a program affiliated with Harvard University.
5. 他曾于1989年在中国任教,会说一点普通话。大学毕业后,他去了中国一年,通过哈佛大学下面的一个项目在那里教英语。

6. He is a veteran. Mr. Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard as a teenager and retired 24 years later in 2005. He deployed to Italy from 2003 to 2004 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and received the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service and two Army Achievement Medals.
6. 他是退伍军人。沃尔兹十几岁时加入了陆军国民警卫队,24年后,于2005年退役。2003年至2004年,他被派往意大利支持“持久自由行动”,并因优异表现获得了陆军功勋奖章和两枚陆军成就奖章。

7. He was a rare breed in Congress: a Democrat from the rural Midwest. For more than a decade, Mr. Walz represented Minnesota’s First District, in the southern part of the state. He was the top Democrat on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, supported funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, voted for the Affordable Care Act and voted against restricting federal funding for abortion.
7. 他在国会是罕见的一种人:来自中西部农村的民主党人。十多年来,沃尔兹一直代表明尼苏达州南部第一选区。他是众议院退伍军人事务委员会的民主党领袖,支持为伊拉克和阿富汗战争提供资金,投票支持《平价医疗法案》,投票反对限制联邦政府为堕胎提供资金。

8. He is a Nebraskan by birth. He was born in West Point, Neb., grew up in Valentine, Neb., attended high school in Butte, Neb., and graduated from Chadron State College before moving to earn a master’s degree in experiential education from Minnesota State University, Mankato.
8. 他出生在内布拉斯加州。他出生在内布拉斯加州的西点市,在该州的瓦伦丁市长大,并在该州的巴特市上高中,毕业于查德隆州立学院,之后前往明尼苏达州立大学曼卡托分校攻读体验式教育硕士学位。

9. He got involved in politics after being barred from a George W. Bush rally. In 2004, when he was still a teacher, he accompanied students to the rally and objected when, in his telling, they were denied entrance for having volunteered for Democrats.
9. 在被禁止参加乔治·W·布什的集会后,他开始涉足政治。2004年,当他还是一名教师时,陪同学生参加该集会,根据他的说法,他们因为曾为民主党人提供志愿服务而被拒绝入场,他对此提出异议。

10. The woman who trained him to run for office is now his lieutenant governor. Mr. Walz attended Camp Wellstone, a Democratic political training camp named after former Senator Paul Wellstone, before ousting a Republican incumbent to win his House seat in 2006. Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan was a trainer there.
10. 曾经培训他竞选公职的那个女子现在当上了他的副州长。沃尔兹参加了以前参议员保罗·韦尔斯通命名的民主党政治训练营“韦尔斯通营”。2006年,沃尔兹击败了时任共和党议员,赢得了众议院席位。如今他的副州长佩吉·弗拉纳根曾是韦尔斯通营的培训师。

11. He was an early supporter of gay rights. At Mankato West High School in Minnesota in the 1990s, he sponsored a gay-straight alliance and has said it was important at that time for the sponsor to be “the football coach, who was the soldier and was straight and was married.” When he won his House seat in 2006 in a conservative district, he ran on support for same-sex marriage.
11. 他很早就支持同性恋权利。上世纪90年代,在明尼苏达州的曼卡托西高中,他发起了一个同性恋—异性恋联盟。他说,在当时,发起者是“一名橄榄球教练、一名军人、异性恋者,而且是已婚人士”,这一点是非常重要的。2006年,当他在一个保守的选区赢得众议院席位时,他以支持同性婚姻来赢得支持。

12. He has shifted politically on other issues. He was more moderate than many Democrats during his time in the House, voting for stricter vetting of refugees and receiving endorsements from the National Rifle Association. He shifted significantly to the left on guns and on other subjects when he ran for governor in 2018, and he and Minnesota’s Democratic legislature have enacted a sweeping progressive agenda.
12. 他在一些问题上曾改变政治立场。在众议院任职期间,他比许多民主党人更加温和,投票支持对难民进行更严格的审查,并得到了全国步枪协会的支持。2018年竞选州长时,他在枪支和其他问题上明显向左转,他和明尼苏达州的民主党立法机构制定了一项全面的进步议程。

13. He is a gun owner and hunts pheasants and turkeys. He introduced a “Governor’s Turkey Hunting Opener” to kick off the turkey-hunting season in Minnesota and runs a similar event for the pheasant-hunting season. “I guarantee you he can’t shoot pheasants like I can,” he said on CNN of Mr. Vance.
13. 他持有枪支,喜欢狩猎野鸡和火鸡。他曾主持“州长火鸡狩猎开幕式”,为明尼苏达州的火鸡狩猎季拉开序幕,还为野鸡狩猎季举办了类似的活动。“我向你保证,他打野鸡不如我,”他在CNN节目中谈到万斯时说。

14. He would be the third vice president from Minnesota. Hubert Humphrey (who served under President Lyndon B. Johnson) and Walter Mondale (who served under President Jimmy Carter) were the first two.
14. 他可能成为第三位来自明尼苏达州的副总统。前两位是休伯特·汉弗莱(在林登·约翰逊总统手下任职)和沃尔特·蒙代尔(在吉米·卡特总统手下任职)。

15. He and his wife had their two children through in vitro fertilization. It took seven years of fertility treatments for them to have their daughter, whom they named Hope. Mr. Walz spoke about the experience publicly after an Alabama Supreme Court ruling this year upended I.V.F. treatment there.
15. 他和妻子通过体外受精生下了两个孩子。他们花了七年的时间接受生育治疗,才有了女儿,他们给她取名为Hope(希望)。今年,阿拉巴马州最高法院的一项裁决推翻了那里的试管受精治疗后,沃尔兹公开谈起了自己的经历。

16. He coached the 1999 football state champions. It was the first state championship title for Mankato West High School.
16. 他执教的橄榄球队于1999年获得州冠军。这是曼卡托西高中的第一个州冠军头衔。

17. He is a Lutheran. More specifically, he sometimes describes himself as a “Minnesota Lutheran.” “Because we’re good Minnesota Lutherans, we have a rule: if you do something good and talk about it, it no longer counts,” Walz joked during a speech last spring. “So what you have to do is to get someone else to talk about you.”
17. 他是路德派教徒。更具体地说,他有时形容自己是“明尼苏达路德派教徒”。“因为我们是优秀的明尼苏达路德派教徒,所以我们有一个规矩:如果你做了好事并且谈论它,它就不算数了,”沃尔兹在去年春天的一次演讲中开玩笑说。“所以你要让别人谈论你。”

18. He doesn’t drink after a D.W.I. in 1995. Mr. Walz has said he stopped drinking alcohol after he was pulled over for speeding in 1995 and failed a sobriety test. His wife told him at the time: “You have obligations to people. You can’t make dumb choices.”
18. 1995年被发现酒驾之后,他戒了酒。沃尔兹说,1995年他因超速被警察拦下,没能通过酒精测试,此后他就不再喝酒了。当时,妻子告诉他:“你对他人负有责任。你不能做出愚蠢的选择。”

19. He also does not drink coffee. He prefers Diet Mountain Dew. As does his Republican counterpart.
19. 他也不喝咖啡。他更喜欢的饮料是健怡激浪。他的共和党对手万斯也是如此。

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