horrible and horrific; terrible and terrific |
- horrifying
can mean horrifying, describing something you feel dismay
or disgust about, but it can also be used in a less extreme way,
meaning unpleasant or shocking.
the following:
- The
traffic this morning was horrendous. It took me seventy-five
minutes to travel eleven miles.
- It
was a horrifying picture: the dead and the wounded had
all been left by the roadside.
that all of these adjectives with their various endings -ible,
-ic, -ous, -ing, are derived from the noun
horror which also crops up in the compound noun horror
- Horror
films on television are usually screened late at night.
- terrifying - terrific
a similar way, terrible and terrifying, which have
similar shades of meaning to horrible and horrifying,
are both derived from the noun terror from which we get the
nouns terrorist and terrorism:
- Ridding
the world of terrorists and terrorism is easier
said than done.
careful however with the adjective terrific which does not
have the same meaning as horrific. Whereas horrific means
very bad, terrific means very good.
the following:
- The
food was terrible. Nobody at the camp had any idea about
how to cook.
- Everybody
in the team was terrific. I had never seen them play so
well together before.
- Sharing
a prison cell with a convicted murderer was a terrifying prospect.
- terribly
adverbs are used even more frequently than the adjectives terrible
and horrible. They often mean little more than very.
how they are used in these examples:
- It
was terribly important not to make any mistakes on the
certificate as it was going to be framed.
- I'm
terribly sorry. That was very clumsy of me to barge into
you like that. Are you all right?
- I
was terribly upset when I heard that James had gone to
Mexico without telling me.
- I
know that something is terribly / horribly wrong. They
should be back by now.
- They
were horribly / terribly expensive, so I could only afford
one, I'm afraid.
- We're
going to be horribly / terribly late if we stop to buy
flowers on the way.
are some more adjectives which are used informally and which mean
very good and very bad. Note that they all have very common adjectival
fabulous |
marvellous |
stupendous |
amazing |
breathtaking |
outstanding |
smashing |
fantastic |
wonderful |
magnificent |
awful |
dreadful |
frightful |
shocking |
revolting |
appalling |
hideous |
monstrous |
you think of any others meaning very good or very bad, like superb
or dire, which do not have these common adjectival suffixes?
If you can, write to our board and put them into sample sentences, e.g.
- Their
performance was dire. Most of the audience walked out long
before it was over.
- The
dancers were superb. They had obviously spent a long time
rehearsing it.
If you would
like more practice more please visit our board in the You, Me and Us part of our website.