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人教社高中英语新教材选择性必修一Unit 2 Listening and speaking听力和答案

[2024年2月7日] 来源:新课标人教版            

Listening and Speaking原文


Yueyue: How did you get to be so smart?

Huimin: Well, a lot of time went into research to make intelligent androids like me.. Your move.

Yueyue: How much time?

Huimin: Hundreds of years. AI research first began in America in 1956. more than 350 years ago.

Yueyue: And then things developed quickly after that?

Huimin: Not really. It wasnt until 1997 that a computer finally beat the worlds chess champion, Garry Kasparov. That was IBM's Deep Blue. Then in 2011, IBM'S Watson defeated some very human opponents on an American quiz show. It won one million dollars, which was donated to charity...Check.

Yueyue: Check? What.?

Huimin: Do you want me to make the game easier for you

Yueyue: Yes, please.

Huimin: Then in 2017, a computer named Alphago beat the worlds Go champion. Alphago is my personal hero... Check.

Yueyue: Easier. please!

Huimin: Sure. Would you like some tea while you think about your next move

Yueyue: Yes. Milk, no sugar . That all sounds pretty impressive. I didn't realise Al was developed so long ago.

Huimin: But things slowed down after 2017. Yes, there were Al computers that could drive car way back then, but none of those machines were really. human. Then in the mid-21st century, AI computers were put into robots-androids like me. But it took another hundred years for an android to write a novel. Then a hundred years after that, the first android became president of a country. Checkmate.

Yueyue: In our next game, could you let me win?

Huimin: Anything you say.



Activity 2-4


Activity 2:A1 B3 C2


Activity 3:


1 in1956 2 in1997 3 in2017


4 in the mid-21st century


5 in the mid-22nd century


6 in the mid-23rd century


Activity 4:


1 They are playing chess.


2 To make the game easier


3 To offer some tea for her


4 Huimin wins the game.


5 Let her win the next game.

VOA 英语教学节目
