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人教社高中英语新教材必修一Unit 5 Languages Around the World Reading for Writing音频和课文翻译

[2024年1月11日] 来源:新课标人教版            

这是新课程最新版高中英语教材,是由人民教育出版社出版、教育部2019审核通过的高中英语教材。其中必修教材分为第一册、第二册和第三册共3册,选择性必修教材分第一册、第二册、第三册和第四册共4册,选修教材分为第一册、第二册和第三册共3册。下面,给力英语与大家分享Unit 5 Languages Around the World Reading for writing自主学习素材,听力原文在最后面。

Learning English


Wang Le:Hey, everybody, what are your biggest problems with learning English?


Liu Wen: Hi! I’ve been studying English since primary school. I used to get high marks in English, but now I’m having a lot of trouble with my listening. When I listen to native English speakers talking in a video, I can catch only a few words. I can never quite get the main idea. Any advice?


Jia Xin: Listening to English radio programmes helps me get used to how fast native speakers talk. I also repeat what I hear to help myself to experience the feeling of the language. Sometimes I even record my voice so I can listen to myself and compare my pronunciation with the radio host’s! My biggest headache is how to be polite in English. It’s so much easier to just say “Open the window!”, but in English that can sound really terrible. I have to think about who I’m talking to and then decide whether to say, “Open the window, please!” or “Could you open the window, please?” or even longer “Would you mind opening the window, please?”

佳欣:听英语广播节目有助于我习惯母语人士的说速。我还会复述我所听到的,以此来培养语感。有时我甚至还给自己录音,这样一来,我可以听自己的发音,并把我的发音与广播主持人进行比较!我最头疼的问题是如何得体地使用英语。说“打开窗户!”很容易,但在英语里,这样说听起来真的太糟糕了。我必须考虑到我在跟谁说话,然后再决定是说“请打开窗户!”还是“请你打开窗户,好吗?”或者说句更长的“请问,您介意打开窗户吗? ”

Li Rui: Yeah, that’s really hard! I think it all depends on who you’re talking to. If I’m talking to a close friend, I can use short requests, like “Open the window”—our relationship is close and we’re equals, so I only need a few words to bridge the gap between us. But if I’m talking to someone who isn’t very close to me, I must make my request longer—and I must make it a question, not a demand, e.g., “Could you open the window, please?” If I’m talking to someone senior to me, then I should say, “Would you mind opening the window, please?” For me, vocabulary is my biggest problem—there are just SO MANY new words!I can’t keep all the new vocabulary straight in my head, and I certainly can’t remember how to use them all properly. HELP!

李瑞:是的,这真的很难!我认为这完全取决于你在跟谁说话。如果我是跟一位好朋友说话,我可以用简短的请求,比如“打开窗户” ,这是因为我们的关系亲密,彼此平等,所以我只需要几个字就能让对方明白我的意思。但是,如果我是跟一个与我不太亲近的人说话,那么我得把我的请求说得长一些—— 我得把它变成一个疑问句,而不是一个要求,例如,“麻烦你打开窗户,好吗?”如果我跟一个比我年长的人说话,那么我得说:“请问,您是否介意打开窗户呢?”对我而言,词汇是最大的问题——生词实在太多了!我不无法在脑子里记住所有的生词,当然也就记不住如何恰当地使用这些词汇。帮帮我吧!

VOA 英语教学节目
