世界气象日,世界气象日是几月几日,World Meteorological Day
World Meteorological Day, also known as "International Meteorological Day", is the anniversary of the establishment of the World Meteorological Organization, which is organized on March 23 every year.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), founded on March 23, 1950. Its headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland.
The World Meteorological Organization has been established for 71 years. Its members have grown from 30 in the early days to 185 today.
It helps member meteorological departments to provide timely and accurate weather forecasts, and contributes to regional and global social and economic development.
The main purpose of WMD activities is to let people of all countries understand and support WMO activities, arouse people's attention and love for meteorological work, and promote the application of Meteorology in aviation, navigation, water conservancy, agriculture and other human activities.
Every year, on World Meteorological Day, the Executive Committee of WMO selects a theme to publicize, so as to raise the public's awareness of the importance of its closely related meteorological issues.
The topic selection mainly focuses onthe content of meteorological work, the main scientific research projects and the problems of common concern around the world.
2024-气候行动最前线(At the frontline of climate action)
2023年-天气气候水,代代向未来(The Future of Weather,Climate and Wateracross Generations )
2022年-早预警、早行动---水文气象信息,助力防灾减灾(Early Warning and Early Action: Hydrometeorological and Climate information for Disaster Risk Reduction.)
2021-海洋、我们的气候和天气(The ocean, our climate and weather)
2020-气候与水(Climate and water)
2019-太阳、地球和天气(The sun, the Earth and the weather)
2018-智慧气象(Weather-ready, climate-smart)
2017-观云识天(Seeing the clouds and knowing the sky)
2016-直面更热、更旱、更涝的未来(Facing a hotter, drier and wetter future)
2015-气候知识服务气候行动(Climate knowledge serving climate action)
2014-天气和气候:青年人的参与(Weather and climate: participation of young people)
2013-监视天气,保护生命和财产(Monitor the weather and protect life and property)
2012-天气、气候和水为未来增添动力(Weather, climate and water add momentum to the future)
2011 - Climate for you
2010 - 60 years of service for your safety and well-being
2009 - Weather, climate and the air we breathe
2008 - Observing our planet for a better future
2007 - Polar Meteorology; Understanding Global Impact
2006 - Preventing and mitigating natural disasters
2005 - Weather, Climate, Water and Sustainable Development
2004 - Weather, Climate and Water in the Information Age
2003 - Our Future Climate
2002 - Reducing Vulnerability to Weather and Climate Extremes
2001 - Volunteers for Weather, Climate and Water
2000 - The World Meteorological Organization - 50 years of service
1999 - Weather, climate and health
1998 - Weather, oceans and human activity
1997 - Weather and water in cities
1996 - Meteorology in the service of sports
1995 - Public weather services
1994 - Observing the weather and climate
1993 - Meteorology and the transfer of technology
1992 - Weather and climate services for sustainable development
1991 - The atmosphere of the living planet Earth
1990 - Natural disaster reduction: how Meteorological and Hydrological Services can help
1989 - Meteorology in the service of aviation
1988 - Meteorology and the media
1987 - Meteorology: a model of international cooperation
1986 - Climate variations, drought and desertification
1985 - Meteorology and public safety
1984 - Meteorology aids food production
1983 - The Weather observer
1982 - Observing the weather from space
1981 - World Weather Watch as a tool for development
1980 - Man and climatic variability
1979 - Meteorology and energy
1978 - Meteorology and research for the future
1977 - Weather and water
1976 - Weather and food
1975 - Meteorology and telecommunications
1974 - Meteorology and tourism
1973 - One hundred years of international cooperation in meteorology
1972 - Meteorology and human environment
1971 - Meteorology and human environment
1970 - Meteorological education and training
1969 - The economic value of meteorological services
1968 - Meteorology and agriculture
1967 - Weather and water
1966 - World Weather Watch
1965 - International cooperation in meteorology
1964 - Meteorology as a factor of economic development
1963 - Transport and meteorology (in particular, application of meteorology to aviation)
1962 - Contribution of meteorology to agriculture and food production
1961 - Meteorology - general themes