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The decline of dating apps

[2018年9月4日] 来源:BBC 随身英语(Take away English)   字号 [] [] []  



The course of true love never did run smooth, Lysander tells us in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Wise words many, would say. In the fast-paced world of modern life, it can be difficult to meet anyone, let alone our soulmate. Fortunately, there's an app for that, though wooing a potential partner is still up to you. 

Dating apps like Tinder, Bumble and Chappy have been around for a good few years and statistics prove their ongoing popularity. Tinder claims to get 1.6 billion swipes per day. A study conducted by globaldatinginsights.com, analysts of the online dating industry, found that lonely hearts in the UK spent 10 hours a week using them to find someone to go out with. And finally, a 2018 YouGov survey conducted on behalf of BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat found that of over 2000 16-34-year-olds, nearly half had used a dating app at some point.

That said, the very same survey found that only 17% had met their current beau on an app. And 37% said that using an app was their least preferred method to find a potential mate to take out, for a fling or otherwise.

One possible reason for this comes from one respondent, 26-year-old Jordan. He believes that dating apps create issues with self-doubt and anxiety. "You're judged for the person you are on screen and not for the person you are," he told the BBC. As people open themselves up to more rejection, it can lead to feelings of depression, says relationship psychologist Madeleine Mason Roantree. Indeed, Jordan says he's been judged on dating apps for being "too young, too old and too fat."

Deception can be another issue, with profiles often stretching the truth. Twenty-year-old Emma told Newsbeat about meeting a suitor whose height matched hers on their profiles, only to find he was a foot shorter in reality. Twenty-four-year-old Mikey believes dating apps are "quite Catfish-y" after meeting someone whose profile picture did not match their appearance.

So does this mean that dating apps are a waste of time? It depends. Over 25% of those asked by YouGov might not agree. They were going steady or had tied the knot as a result of a dating app. A happily ever after might only be round the corner, but one way to find out is to swipe right and see.


true love 真爱
soulmate 知己
woo 追求
dating app 交友软件
swipe 滑屏
lonely hearts 寂寞心灵,寻求另一半的人
go out with 与(某人)交往
beau 男友
mate 配偶
fling 短暂的交往
self-doubt 自我怀疑
anxiety 焦虑
rejection 拒绝(给予爱)
deception 欺骗
profile 个人简介
suitor 追求者
catfish 在网络上制造虚假身份
go steady 确定恋爱关系
tie the knot 结婚
happily ever after 从此幸福地生活


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. How often did UK users spend using a dating app?

2. True or false: One fifth of those who responded to the YouGov survey had met their current partner on an app.

3. According to Jordan, how are you perceived when using a dating app?

4. In what way can dating apps be deceptive?

5. Which word in the text means 'the way a person or thing looks'.

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I want to celebrate 20 years of marriage with the only one for me, my ______, Jane.

lonely hearts       fling       suitor       soulmate

2. How many dates do you go on before you consider yourself to be ______?

true love       going out with       going steady       tying the knot

3. John's asked Sue to marry him! They're going to ______ next year.

go steady       tie the knot       happily ever after       fling

4. If you want a good job, you need to update your social media ______. Everyone looks there these days.

swipe       dating app       profile       anxiety

5. There's no way that's a real person. They're ______. Don't fall for it.

catfishing       catfished       catfishive       catfish


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. How often did UK users spend using a dating app?
According to globaldatinginsights.com lonely hearts spent 10 hours a week using dating apps.

2. True or false: One fifth of those who responded to the YouGov survey had met their current partner on an app.
False. Only 17% had met their current beau on an app.

3. According to Jordan, how are you perceived when using a dating app?
Jordan believes that you're judged for the person you are on screen and not for the person you are.

4. In what way can dating apps be deceptive?
Profiles on dating apps can stretch the truth.

5. Which word in the text means 'the way a person or thing looks'.
Appearance. (Mikey, 24 claims that he believes dating apps are "quite Catfish-y" after meeting someone whose profile picture did not match their appearance.)

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I want to celebrate 20 years of marriage with the only one for me, my soulmate, Jane

2. How many dates do you go on before you consider yourself to be going steady?

3. John's asked Sue to marry him! They're going to tie the knot next year.

4. If you want a good job, you need to update your social media profile. Everyone looks there these days.

5. There's no way that's a real person. They're catfishing. Don't fall for it.

VOA 英语教学节目
