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The benefits of a summer job

[2018年8月15日] 来源:BBC 随身英语(Take away English)   字号 [] [] []  



Have you ever had a summer job? For many young people, summer is a heady period where education stops and fun begins. That said, holidays, festivals and time spent with friends cost money. And the very group who have the time to capitalise on the fun summer has to offer may not have the funds to do so. The solution? A summer job.

The concept of cash-strapped students and younger members of society being gainfully employed over the summer period is not a new one. And there are opportunities out there for those who want to earn. For me it was tending bar at a bowling alley. Vacancies can range from roles as mundane as fry cook, to seasonal work at a theme park, or a cushy job with comfortable conditions. In many cases, the jobs only pay minimum wage, which may only tide you over. But the money is not the only thing that's gained.

"Summer and Saturday jobs prepare young people for successful careers in later life, teaching vital 'soft skills'," says UK Work and Pensions secretary Ester McVey in the Daily Mail. Indeed, when talking about their experiences of summer jobs, people asked for a BBC News article said they got "invaluable training" and learnt skills such as punctuality, tolerance, and the importance of hard graft. These opportunities are thought to be so important that the UK government has placed 20,000 summer job vacancies on a dedicated portal on its Find a Job website. 

This move comes at a time of apparent need. The percentage of young people working while studying has more than halved since 1997, falling from 42% to 18% in 2014. Those are the findings of a UK government report on the death of the Saturday job. Ester McVey believes this is because young people are choosing to focus more on education rather than earning extra money. But that isn't the only problem. It isn't always easy to get a job, as 20-year-old Liberty O'Hagan, a student from Worthing, found. She told the BBC employers see summer workers as a waste of training resources since they inevitably return to university. Not to mention, by working all summer, you may feel you have missed out on the experiences and opportunities your friends have had – travelling and having fun.

While a summer job may not be a dream job, it can teach you things for "a successful future," says Ester McVey in a piece for the Telegraph. What students may consider a means to an end, can, in fact, become a worthwhile career-making endeavour.


capitalise on 从…获利
funds 资金
cash-strapped 缺钱的
gainfully employed 被高薪聘用
tend bar 做酒吧招待
vacancy 职位空缺
mundane 单调的,千篇一律的
seasonal work 季节性工作
cushy 轻松的、安逸的
minimum wage 法定最低工资
tide you over 帮助你渡过难关
soft skills 软技能,指沟通、社交技能
punctuality 守时
tolerance 宽容、容忍
hard graft 苦工、繁重的工作
training 训练
worthwhile 有价值的
endeavour 努力


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. True or false? The concept of summer jobs is a new one.

2. According to Ester McVey, what are the benefits of summer and Saturday jobs?

3. What has the UK government done to promote summer jobs?

4. What has happened to the number of young people working while studying?

5. Which expression in the text means 'something you do only because it helps you achieve something else'?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I like being a builder, but it's not exactly a ______ job. You're often exhausted!

mundane       cushy       gainful       worthwhile

2. Young people these days don't work like we used to. In my day work was nothing but ______.

tending bar       seasonal work       soft skills       hard graft

3. The most important thing is: never be late. ______ is very important at work.

punctuality       training       funds       tolerance

4. I have a second job at the weekends ______. I often make cocktails!

working bar       employing bar       serving bar       tending bar

5. I've been a ______ for years. I work summers in parks and winters on the slopes.

temporary worker       seasonal worker       part-time worker       unreal worker   


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. True or False: The concept of summer jobs is a new one.
False. The concept of cash-strapped students and younger members of society being gainfully employed over the summer period, is not a new one.

2. According to Ester McVey, what are the benefits of summer and Saturday jobs?
'Summer and Saturday jobs prepare young people for successful careers in later life, teaching vital 'soft skills'."

3. What has the UK government done to promote summer jobs?
The UK government has placed 20,000 summer job vacancies on a dedicated portal on its Find a Job website.

4. What has happened to the number of young people working while studying?
The percentage of young people working while studying has more than halved since 1997, falling from 42% to 18%.

5. Which expression in the text means 'something you do only because it helps you achieve something else'?
A means to an end. 

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I like being a builder, but it's not exactly a cushy job. You're often exhausted!

2. Young people these days don't work like we used to. In my day work was nothing but hard graft.

3. The most important thing is: never be late. Punctuality is very important at work.

4. I have a second job at the weekends tending bar. I often make cocktails!

5. I've been a seasonal worker for years. I work summers in parks and winters on the slopes.

VOA 英语教学节目
