喝遍天下 环游世界品尝特色饮品
BBC林德赛·盖洛威(Lindsey Galloway)(2016年2月29日)
巴西凯匹林纳(caipirinha)鸡尾酒. (图片来源: Rob Lawson/Getty)
若是在巴西没有啜饮过一口甜甜的凯匹林纳鸡尾酒(Caipirinha),那么你在这个南美国家的旅程就不能算作完满。“它是一种热带饮料,非常清新,用好几种水果做成,比如柠檬,柑橘,西瓜,桃子等等,”娜塔莉亚·波利多罗(Natalia Polidoro),一位来自圣保罗的学生介绍道。
巴西最受喜爱的饮品。 (Bambu Productions/Getty)
这种鸡尾酒的核心配料是被誉为巴西国酒的卡莎萨(cachaca),它由甘蔗汁提取而来。不像其他由糖浆制成的朗姆酒,卡莎萨由新鲜的甘蔗汁酿造而成。这种酒在巴西可谓是家喻户晓,颇受欢迎——它在葡萄牙语中有成百上千种称呼,从巴西威士忌(uisquebrasileiro)到圣水(holy water),不一而足。
潘趣酒(Punsch)是瑞典人发明的独特利口酒(liqueur),由从东南亚进口的亚力酒(arrack)制作而成。瑞典居民卢卡斯·伦德斯特伦(Lucas Lundstr?m)解释道,瑞典东印度公司从1733年开始就从亚洲进口亚力酒。他说,以此为原料制作的利口酒“在上流社会取得了巨大的成功”。潘趣酒的酒精含量在20%至30%之间,呈现出“辛辣,甘甜”的口感,常常放入冰块一起饮用。伦德斯特伦介绍说,在冬天潘趣酒则会被加热到40摄氏度后再供饮用,和瑞典豌豆汤的味道相映成趣。
住在渥太华郊外的安娜·德莫斯(Anna Demers)建议道,访问加拿大法国区的时候一定更要尝尝由枫糖浆制成的索特雷格(Sortilège)牌威士忌。“我们过去总是用枫糖浆来制酒,不过现在它被商业化生产了,”德莫斯介绍说。现在还有售的是一种名为Coureur des Bois的酒,口感更甘甜,在女性中更受欢迎。她还引经据典,说是当地人首先将从枫树中收集的新鲜树液介绍给了法国殖民者。“未经加工的树液对身体很有好处,”她说道。这种树液含有约1%至2%的糖分,其枫树味道略淡于浓缩糖浆。
娜塔莉亚·罗马诺(Natalia Romano)是一名来自阿根廷马德普拉塔(Mar Del Plata)的工程专业学生。她介绍道,阿根廷人喜欢喝一种名为巴拉圭茶(Yerba mate)的饮料,它也被誉为是阿根廷“国民饮料”,这种饮料富含天然咖啡因。“它和茶很像,只不过传统上我们和朋友们轮流喝它”,罗马诺补充道。在社交场合中,巴拉圭茶往往盛在一个中空的葫芦中,里面还放有一根稻草用以滤去茶叶。人们围坐成圈,传递着葫芦喝茶,需要时再行添水。
一包草药茶。(Javier Escobar/Getty)
正如那句口号“蜚声世界,尽在新西兰”所说的那般,常被简称为L&P的派罗瓦柠檬碳酸水(Lemon & Paeroa)在它的祖国颇为流行——尽管它尚未获得国际认可。“它的主要成分是产于派罗瓦(Paeroa)小镇北部的矿泉水,”奥克兰居民雷蒙德·麦考利(Raymund Macaalay)介绍道。一旦和柠檬相混合,“你就获得了新西兰人所热爱的柠檬碳酸水。”
在马杜赖(Madurai)这座印度南方城市中,流行着名为吉伽桑达(jigarthanda)的街头冷饮。居住在喀拉拉邦(Kerala)附近的阿姆路斯·万士尼(Amruth Varshini)提醒说,尽管吉伽桑达的配料—包括牛奶、菝葜糖浆、杏仁树乳胶或是被称为海水藻的中国草在内—听起来十分怪异,“但最终成品很是美味”。
万士尼介绍道,在印地语中吉伽桑达可以被翻译为“凉肝”,但也可以解释为其他含义。“吉伽(Jigar)的意思是精神或勇气,而桑达(Sanda)一词源于阿拉伯词语thandal, 意思是船长或划桨的人,”他说,“此番解说也说明了在制作饮料中会使用海藻类明胶,在古时,它被认为海员的主食。”
说到美国的特色饮品,来自加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市(Santa Clara)的亚历克斯·帕克(Alex Pak)认真考虑了包括马提尼酒和著名的南部甜茶(一种放糖的冰茶)在内的诸多选项,最后他将加了香草冰激凌的根啤(root beer float)定为游客必尝的饮料。根啤得名于让它呈现出独特风味的黄樟树树根,直到不久前它还是一种北美专有的饮料。尽管出于健康考虑,根啤不再使用黄樟树,但一种用香料、其他树根和人工香料制成的混合物仍然复制了它的独特味道。
加了香草冰激凌的根啤如奶油一般柔滑顺口。(Paul Johnson/Getty)
Tea or coffee: Which drink is better for you?
By Lindsey Galloway,29 February 2024
With every variation of “Cheers!” around the world, there’s often a traditional drink to complement the toast. Whether beer, wine, liquor or even non-alcoholic, regional beverage specialties can be a great way to delve into the local culture.
To get a taste of what’s out there, we visited question and answer community Quora.com, asking “If I visit your country/region, what is that one drink I should not miss?” Here are a few of those must-sips across the globe.
A trip to this South American country would not be complete without sipping a sweet caipirinha. “It is a tropical drink, very fresh and can be made of several fruits like lemon, orange, watermelon, peach and others,” said Natalia Polidoro, a student in S?o Paulo.
The key ingredient is cacha?a, Brazil’s national spirit, distilled from sugarcane juice. Unlike rum, which is made from molasses, cacha?a is made from fresh, fermented sugarcane juice. And the spirit is unmatched in popularity in its home country – hundreds of Portuguese synonyms exist for the liquor, from uísque brasileiro (Brazilian whisky) to água-benta (holy water).
A uniquely Swedish invention, punsch is a liqueur made from an imported southeastern Asian liquor called arrack. As Swedish resident Lucas Lundstr?m explained, the Swedish East India Company started importing arrack in 1733. The resulting liqueur was “a smashing success in high society”, he said.At 20% to 30% alcohol, the liquor has a “spicy, sweet” flavour and is usually served on ice. But in winter, the drink should be heated to 40C and makes an ideal complement to Swedish pea soup, Lundstrom said.
When visiting French Canada, try Sortilège, a brand of whiskey made with maple syrup, advised Anna Demers, who lives outside of Ottawa. “We always had some kind of alcohol with maple syrup but now it [is] commercially produced,” she said. A sweeter liqueur called Coureur des Bois is also now available, and Demers said it’s more popular among women.She also vouched for the the liquid sap fresh from the maple tree that the native population first introduced to French settlers. “It’s very healthy to drink in its original form,” she said. The sap tends to be only 1% to 2% sugar and has a more subtle maple flavour than the boiled-down syrup.
For a natural caffeine high, reach for mate, also called yerba mate, the “official infusion” of Argentina, said Natalia Romano, an engineering student from Mar Del Plata, Argentina. “It's similar to tea, only it's a tradition to drink it in turns with friends,” she added. In social settings, the tea is traditionally served out of a single, hollowed-out gourd with a straw that filters out the tea leaves. The gourd is passed around in a circle and refilled as needed.
Today, you can also buy mate in a teabag and drink it out of a mug, adding milk and sugar to taste. “If you drink it that way, it’s known as mate cocido,” Romano said.
New Zealand
True to its slogan “World Famous in New Zealand”, Lemon & Paeroa, often called L&P, is quite popular in its home country – even if it doesn’t yet have worldwide recognition. “Its main ingredient is the mineral water from the [northern] town of Paeroa,” said Raymund Macaalay, an Auckland resident. Once mixed with lemon, “you have a fizzy lemonade loved by Kiwi[s]”.
In the southern Indian city of Madurai, jigarthanda is a popular, cooling street drink. Amruth Varshini, who lives in nearby Kerala, warned that the ingredients – which include milk, sarsaparilla syrup, and almond tree latex or the sea algae called China grass – may sound strange, but he promised that “the resulting product is simply wonderful”.
The word jigarthanda translates to “cool liver” in Hindi, said Varshini, but alternate meanings can also be interpreted. “Jigar means spirit or courage and thanda, derived from the Arabic word thandal, stands for captain/rower [of a boat],” he said. “This definition explains the use of sea algae gelatine in the preparation of the drink, which was thought to have been a staple food of seafarers in the olden times.”
United States
Alex Pak of Santa Clara, California, considered a number of libations – including the martini and famous Southern sweet tea (iced tea loaded with sugar) – before settling on the root beer float as one drink every visitor should try. Getting its name from the sassafras tree root originally responsible for its unique flavour, root beer was an exclusively North American beverage until recently. Though sassafras itself is no longer used due to health concerns, its distinct flavour has been replicated today with a mix of spices, other roots and artificial flavours.
With unique versions now produced in every US state, root beer gets an extra special treatment with the addition of a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream. The resulting root beer float was made famous at the roadside restaurant chain A&W, where the treat is still served in a frosted mug.