University students 'driven out by 7,000 pounds fees' - 给力英语

University students 'driven out by 7,000 pounds fees'

发布:wenhui    时间:2010/9/8 1:27:24     浏览:2435次

Almost three-quarters of students said they would be put off higher education if costs soared by more than double their present rate.

The conclusions – in a survey by the National Union of Students and HSBC – come amid claims that an independent review of students finance is set to recommend a sharp rise in fees.

According to The Times, ministers will be advised to allow universities to increase the existing £3,290-a-year cap to between £6,000 and £7,000.

Aaron Porter, the NUS president, said student debts were already too high and such a fee hike would stop “many thousands of young people from going to university”.

"The financial pressure on young people is mounting, and an increase in fees to £7,000 would, according to universities' own figures, consign a generation to unsustainable mortgage-style debts in excess of £32,000,” he said.

Almost 4,000 students were questioned as part of the NUS and HSBC survey.

It found that 53 per cent of existing students would have been deterred from university if fees had been as high as £5,000. Some 70 per cent said they would be turned off higher education by fees of £7,000.

Lord Browne, the former head of BP, is currently leading a review of student fees, grants and loans.

His review is expected to be submitted to the Government next month.

According to reports, he has ruled out the introduction of a “graduate tax” in which students repay the cost of degree courses through the tax system when earnings reach a certain level.
--By Graeme Paton, 07 Sep 2010

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