Lesson 127 A famous actress 著名的女演员 Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who is only twenty-nine, and why is it so unclear? 听录音,然后回答问题。谁只有29岁?为什么这件事如此含糊不清? KATE: Can you recognize that woman,Liz? LIZ: I think I can, Kate. It must be Karen Marsh,the actress. KATE: I though so. Who's that beside her? LIZ: That must be Conrad Reeves. KATE: Conrad Reeves, the actor? It's can't be. Let me have another look. I think you're right! Isn't he her third husband? LIZ: No. He must be her fourth or fifth. KATE: Doesn't Karen Marsh look old! LIZ: She does, doesn't she! I read she's twenty-nine,but she must be at least forty. KATE: I'm sure she is. LIZ: She was a famous actress when I was still at school. KATE: That was a long time ago,wasn't it? LIZ: Not that long ago! I'm not more than twenty-nine myself. New Word and expressions 生词和短语 famous adj. 著名的 actress n. 女演员 at least 至少 actor n. 男演员 read (read, read) v. 通过阅读得知 参考译文 凯特:莉兹,你能认出那个女人吗? 莉兹:我想我认得出来,凯特。那一定是女演员卡.马会。 凯特:我也这样想。她旁边的那个人是谁? 莉兹:一定是康拉德.里弗斯。 凯特:康拉德.里弗斯,那个男演员吗? 不可能是。让我再看一看。 我想你是对的。他不是她的第3个丈夫吗? 莉兹:不,他一定是她的第4个或第5个丈夫。 凯特:卡伦看上去不显老嘛! 莉兹:是的,谁说不是呢!我从报上看到她是29岁,但她一定至少有40岁了。 凯特:我肯定她有40岁了。 莉兹:当我还是学生时,她就是个著名的演员了。 凯特:那是好久以前的事了。是吗? 莉兹:不,没有那么久。我自己现在还没29岁呢。