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The trend for tree houses

[2018年7月31日] 来源:BBC 随身英语(Take away English)   字号 [] [] []  



The noble tree house – all natural materials, sturdy construction, aloof from the troubles of the world. In a more dangerous time in human history, their position above the ground would protect the dweller against environmental difficulties and possible predators. As modern construction has improved, these arboreal residences have become less of a practical dwelling and more of a children's novelty - a secret den erected in many a back garden. But now, these fun shelters are appealing to adults too and many are booking themselves in for a few nights among the treetops.

These tree house hotels can be found From Europe to Australia. Best of all, they come in a variety of interesting designs! From the traditional 'four walls and a roof' habitation, such as at TreeHouse Point, in Washington, North America, to the more artistic Nothofagus Hotel in Chilean Patagonia, whose twelve-sided walls make it look like a beehive. If that doesn't appeal, how about a tree pod?

The Free Spirit Spheres resort on Vancouver Island in Canada allows guests to stay in one of three yellow spheres, which are suspended from trees. The company was founded in 1998 by Tom Chudleigh, who hand built the pods from cedar wood and fibre glass, and then added fixtures and fittings. Not only are they as safe as houses, they're popular! Visitor numbers have probably doubled in the past five years, Mr Chudleigh tells the BBC.

Digs which are original seem to be a big draw. In Sweden, at the Treehotel, numbers have also risen. "In 2010, we had four rooms and around 1,500 guests a year. Today we have seven rooms and nearly 5,000 guests," Kent Lindvall explains. Mr Lindvall co-owns the Treehotel with his wife Britta Lindvall. Each of the domiciles there was designed by an architect, who was asked to make use of the light and surroundings. Their abodes include a mirrored cube, a bird's nest and a UFO.

And how about an office? Microsoft, hoping to give its employees thinking space, has commissioned a three-building structure from Pete Nelson, tree house book author and designer and builder of tree houses. "Studies show people can work better in nature. They are more productive," says Mr Nelson.

If you've no head for heights, then maybe a tree house getaway isn't going to be your home away from home. But the sense of adventure, the novelty of the setting and the opportunity to return to nature has given an increasing number of tree house-staying adults something to write home about.


construction 构造
dweller 城市、城镇居民
residence 住宅
dwelling 住所,房屋
den 简易房
shelter 临时住所
habitation 住所
fixture 固定装置
fitting 可拆除的装置(如炉灶或柜子)
as safe as houses 非常安全的
digs 借宿的地方
domicile 住宅
abode 住所
structure 大型建筑物
home away from home 家外之家,宾至如归的地方


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Why were treehouses safer in more dangerous times?

2. True or false: Tom Chudleigh had the three spheres constructed at a factory.

3. What types of tree house are available at Treehotel, Sweden?

4. According to Pete Nelson, why is Microsoft building a tree house structure?

5. Which word in the text means 'of or relating to trees'?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I love going to my cousins' house. I've been there so many times it's like my ______.

home under home        home far from home        home outside home        home away from home

2. It looks like there's some rain coming. Let's hope we can find some ______.

construction        abode        shelter        structure     

3. I need to buy new ______ for my kitchen. You know, washing machine, fridge, oven etc.

fittings        fixtures        dwellers        habitations

4. Don't worry about falling. With those three safety-harness, you're ______.

house safe        as safety as house        as safe as houses        as safe as home

5. Hello. My name is Constable Jones. Is this the Smith ______?

den        digs        shelter         residence


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Why were treehouses safer in more dangerous times?
Their position above the ground would protect the dweller against environmental difficulties and possible predators.

2. True or false: Tom Chudleigh had the three spheres constructed at a factory.
False. The company was founded in 1998 by Tom Chudleigh, who hand built the pods, fixtures and fittings from cedar wood and fibreglass.

3. What types of tree house are available at Treehotel, Sweden?
Their abodes include a mirrored cube, a bird's nest and a UFO.

4. According to Pete Nelson, why is Microsoft building a tree house structure?
Microsoft is building a tree house structure because ‘studies show people can work better in nature. They are more productive’.

5. Which word in the text means 'of or relating to trees'?
Arboreal. (As modern construction has improved, these arboreal residences have become a less practical dwelling.)

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I love going to my cousins' house. I've been there so many times it's like my home away from home.

2. It looks like there's some rain coming. Let's hope we can find some shelter.

3. I need to buy new fittings for my kitchen. You know, washing machine, fridge, oven, etc.

4. Don't worry about falling. With those three safety-harness, you're as safe as houses.

5. Hello. My name is Constable Jones. Is this the Smith residence?

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