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Keeping cool in the heat

[2018年8月21日] 来源:BBC 随身英语(Take away English)   字号 [] [] []  



This summer, the UK, and much of the northern hemisphere, has experienced a heatwave – a sustained period of roasting temperatures and scorching sunshine. While many welcome the Sun and warmth, too much can be dangerous to health. So what are the best ways to keep cool?

Firstly, avoiding exposure is a good idea, says the UK Met office. This means not going out in direct sunlight, or, where possible, sticking to shadows and shade. This also means that covering up is a good idea. Wear loose, airy clothing, which fully covers the body, as well as a hat and sunglasses. In addition, a parasol could provide valuable protection. Finally, the UK's National Health Service recommends not going out between 11 in the morning and three in the afternoon if you are vulnerable to the Sun.

Staying hydrated is another excellent idea. The human body is approximately 60% water, which on a hot day, can be depleted through sweat. If this water is not replenished, dehydration can occur. The US Geological Survey's water science school recommends drinking three litres a day for an adult male, and 2.3 litres for an adult female, though this varies according to circumstance. You should also avoid alcohol, which dehydrates the body.

Whether at home or at work, steps should be taken to reduce temperatures indoors, too. Blinds, curtains and shades should be closed and windows opened to allow the building to ventilate. This is especially important at night while you sleep. The UK Met office says "night cooling is important as it allows the body to recuperate."

Finally, for those working outside, extra precautions should be taken. In addition to staying covered and drinking water, high-factor sunscreen should be worn to stop sunburn and the possible development of skin cancer. In addition, those who perform physical tasks in the Sun should be careful of heatstroke, which, according to the UK Met Office, can be fatal.

For many, summer is a well-loved period of warmth and outdoor activity, but as the old saying goes, everything in moderation. That said, as long as people remember the basics and look after themselves, there is no reason why a prolonged heatwave can't become the summer that everyone remembers.


heatwave 热浪
roasting 炙热的,灼热的
scorching 酷热的
cool 凉爽的
exposure (身体)接触阳光
direct sunlight 直射光
shadow 阴影
shade 阴凉处
cover up 遮盖
airy 轻盈透气的
parasol 遮阳伞
hydrated (身体)水分充足的
sweat 汗
dehydration (身体)脱水
dehydrate 使…脱水
blinds 百叶窗
shades 卷帘
ventilate 给…通风
high-factor sunscreen 高倍数防晒霜
heatstroke 中暑


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. True or False: Only the UK will experience a heatwave this summer.

2. When should a person vulnerable to the Sun avoid going out during the day?

3. How much water should a person drink per day?

4. Why is it important to sleep with the windows open?

5. What is a possible outcome of heatstroke?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. In the desert, there is little protection from the Sun. You can easily die from ______.

roasting       scorching       exposure       shade

2. Once we get in, we need to ______ the building so open all the doors and windows.

sweat       cover up       ventilate       airy

3. It's a cold day today so make sure you ______. Take and wear your jacket and scarf, please.

sweat       cover up       ventilate       cool

4. Tea is a diuretic. It makes you urinate. You can become ______ from too much tea!

dehydration       dehydrate       dehydrates       dehydrated

5. I love your baggy trousers. Are they linen? They must be so ______ in this heat!

airy       shadowy       shady       sweaty


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. True or False: Only the UK will experience a heatwave this summer.
False. The northern hemisphere has experienced a heatwave too.
2. When should a person vulnerable to the Sun avoid going out during the day?
The UK's National Health Service recommends not going out between 11 in the morning and three in the afternoon.
3. How much water should a person drink per day?
The US Geological Survey's water science school recommends drinking 3 litres a day for an adult male, and 2.3 litres for an adult female, though this varies based on circumstance.
4. Why is it important to sleep with the windows open?
Night cooling is important as it allows the body to recuperate.
5. What is a possible outcome of heatstroke?
Heatstroke can be fatal.

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. In the desert, there is little protection from the Sun. You can easily die from exposure.

2. Once we get in, we need to ventilate the building, so open all the doors and windows.
3. It's a cold day today so make sure you cover up. Take and wear your jacket and scarf, please.
4. Tea is a diuretic. It makes you urinate. You can become dehydrated from too much tea!
5. I love your baggy trousers. Are they linen? They must be so airy in this heat!

VOA 英语教学节目
