BBC克里斯·内格尔(Chris Neiger)(2023年12月23日)
蝙蝠侠系列电视剧中最早出现的蝙蝠车。(Rodrigo Vaz/Film Magic/Getty)
为了回答这个问题,曾任索尼影视公司剧本评读师的影视编剧宫本研拟出了一份长长的名单。名单中的车型包括影片《霹雳游侠》(Knight Rider)中的KITT和几乎所有蝙蝠车——蝙蝠侠座驾。
上世纪60年代播出的蝙蝠侠系列电视剧中最早出现的蝙蝠车是1955年款福特林肯Futura,由好莱坞特技师乔治·巴里斯(George Barris)进行改装。最新一部蝙蝠车——《黑暗骑士》三部曲中的Tumbler——制造成本高达25万美元,由一台5.7升雪佛兰V8发动机驱动,外壳由碳纤维和玻璃纤维制成,输出功率高达400马力。尽管Tumbler的37英寸笨重后轮大得有点可笑,但其制造者却宣称,这辆车能在短短5秒内从零加速到60英里/小时。
(Silver Screen Collection/Moviepix/Getty)
最早于80年代登上美国电视荧屏的《霹雳游侠》中的KITT –“骑士工业2000型”的简称–改装自一辆1982年款庞蒂亚克Trans Am(该车是由迈克尔·施菲[Michael Scheffe]专为该剧设计)。KITT能够借助涡轮增压迅速远离危险并跳过障碍,还可自动驾驶。当然,它还能和驾车者语音对话。KITT的前脸上有著名的红色扫描窗口,后面则是一台动力澎湃的5升V8发动机。
(Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty)
要说影视屏幕上出现过的哪辆汽车最能勾起人对往事的回忆,那就非艾麦特·L·布朗(Emmett L Brown)博士改装的1981年款德罗宁DMC-12莫属了。DMC-12的鸥翼型车门和拉丝不锈钢车身成为其独特标志,并因其在1985年影片《回到未来》中的亮相而成为一个不朽传奇。在片中,道客·布朗(Doc Brown)和马蒂·麦克弗莱(Marty McFly)驾驶由“通量电容器”驱动的德罗宁跑车飞越了时空隧道。DMC-12只生产了9000辆左右,让这辆车名声大噪的正是这部电影。
宫本研在名单中特别强调了在《疯狂的麦克斯》一片中出现的1973年款XB GT 福特猎鹰特别版。在这部1979年拍摄的影片中,梅尔·吉布森驾驶这辆由V8发动机驱动的福特猎鹰飞驰在澳大利亚广袤的荒原。现在,痴迷于《疯狂的麦克斯》的影迷们终于可以再次一饱眼福了,该系列电影的第四集《疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路》将于2023年上映。
人气最旺的影视名车并非来自平行宇宙或者未来世界,而是来自过去。马特·瓦瑟曼(Matt Wasserman)将乔治·卢卡斯1973年拍摄的影片《美国风情画》中出现的1932年款福特Deuce Coupe和1955年款雪佛兰Bel Air列为名车榜榜首。这两辆车在电影里分别是保罗·李·马特(Paul Le Mat)和哈里森·福特的座驾,它们凭借其出众的性能表现成为美国电影史上的王者之车,并开启了汽车街道竞速类型片的先河。
在竞速片类别里,瓦瑟曼还举荐了在1968年影片《警网铁金刚》中出现的1968年款福特野马GT 390。在电影中,史蒂夫·麦克奎因驾驶着这辆野马在旧金山阳光明媚的大街上与1968年款四速道奇Charger 440 Magnum竞相追逐。除了让人热血沸腾的引擎嘶吼外,这部电影中著名的汽车追逐镜头也让头一回看竞速片的观众大呼过瘾。
另一辆银幕名车和纽约城有关。宫本研在他的名车名单中列了1984年影片《捉鬼敢死队》(Ghostbusters)中出现的经典车型– 1959年款凯迪拉克Ecto-1。
让Ecto-1这款救护车出名的与其说是电影里的疯狂追逐,不如说是它由于采用了弹簧柔软的Miller Meteor底盘而在拐弯时导致圆润车身出现的微微晃动。
乔治·巴里斯把三两T型车的车身焊接起来祖成了这辆18英尺长的老爷车,发动机则采用从一辆1966年款野马GT上拆下来的,功率强大的福特Cobra 289发动机。
Quora用户丹尼斯·格拉马克夫(Denis Grammakov)推荐了出自美国电视剧《绝命毒师》的移动犯罪工具:1986年款Fleetwood Bounder RV。演员布莱恩·克兰斯通(Bryan Cranston)和阿伦·鲍里斯(Aaron Paul is)在片中使用了许多车型当做他们恶名昭著的车载实验室。索尼影视公司后来售出了一些参与该剧拍摄的车辆,但却留下了这辆Bounder当作其影棚游览节目的道具。
(Dave M Benett/WireImage/Getty)
The most famous cars of television and film
By Chris Neiger,23 December 2024
Some, however, burn brighter than others, becoming cultural touchstones in their own right. BBC Autos visited Quora.com, the online question and answer community, to gauge respondents’ thoughts on what might be the most memorable cars from cinema and television.
Three dark knights
Ken Miyamoto, a screenwriter and former Sony Pictures script reader kicked things off with a rather exhaustive hit list, which included KITT from Knight Rider and nearly all of the Batmobiles.
Infographic: Can you guess these star cars from film and television?
The Batmobile built for the television show of the 1960s was originally a 1955 Ford Lincoln Futura modified by Hollywood customiser George Barris. The latest Batmobile, the Tumbler of the Dark Knight trilogy, was built at an estimated cost of $250,000, and was powered by a 5.7-litre Chevrolet V8 engine with 400 horsepower under its carbon fiber and fibreglass body. Even with rear wheels measuring a comical 37in, the Tumbler could move from zero to 60mph in five seconds, according to its builders.
For the Knight Rider show, which originally aired on US television in the ‘80s, KITT –Knight Industries Two Thousand – was a modified 1982 Pontiac Trans Am originally designed for the show by Michael Scheffe. KITT could turbo-boost its way out of dangerous situations, jump over obstacles, drive autonomously and, of course, carry on a conversation. KITT was powered by a 5-litre V8 engine mounted behind its famous red scanner.
Cars of future past
When it comes to evocative movie cars, it is hard to top Dr Emmett L Brown's modified 1981 DeLorean DMC-12. With its gull-wing doors and brushed stainless-steel body, the DMC-12 was iconic in its own right, and then immortalised in the 1985 film Back to the Future. Doc and Marty McFly drove (and eventually flew) the DeLorean through space and time, powered by its Flux Capacitor. Only about 9,000 original DMC-12s were built, but the movie has contributed immeasurably to the car’s outsize legend.
Miyamoto notes Mad Max's 1973 XB GT Ford Falcon Pursuit Special on his list as well. The V8-powered Falcon tore through the apocalyptic Australian badlands, driven by Mel Gibson in the 1979 film. Mad Max nostalgists have something to look forward to, as the reboot of the film franchise, Mad Max: Fury Road, is due in 2015.
American classics
Some of the most famous on-screen machines come not from alternate dimensions or the future end of days, but from the past. Matt Wasserman listed the 1932 Ford Deuce Coupe and 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air in George Lucas's 1973 film, American Graffiti, as two of his top choices. Driven by actors Paul Le Mat and Harrison Ford, respectively, these cars have taken their place as two of the most iconic vehicles in US film history evoking an era of hot-rod street racing.
In this vein of rebellious autos, Wasserman also lists the 1968 Ford Mustang GT 390 from the 1968 film Bullitt. Driven by Steve McQueen, the pony races round the sunny streets of San Francisco, pursuing a 1968 four-speed Dodge Charger 440 Magnum. With little more than engine sound effects to heighten the drama, the famous chase scene still electrifies first-time viewers.
Paranormal icons
Another gem comes from New York City. Miyamoto lists the Ghostbusters 1959 Cadillac Ecto-1, an instant classic from the 1984 film. Though it's better known for sloshing round bends on its softly sprung, Miller Meteor chassis than for out-and-out chases, the ambulance earned its immortality for shepherding four world-saving ghoul-hunters round the Big Apple. Sony recently restored two of the Ecto-1s, perhaps just in time for the long-rumoured Ghostbusters 3.
Some readers may remember another ghostly jalopy from The Munsters, a US television show that aired in the mid-‘60s. The Koach was built by George Barris – he of Batmobile fame – in just three weeks, and combined three Model T bodies for a final length of 18ft. Under the hood was a powerful 289 Ford Cobra engine from a 1966 Mustang GT.
Bond cars and Bounders
Quora user Denis Grammakov cited a road-tripping vehicle-turned-rogue icon: the 1986 Fleetwood Bounder RV from the US programme Breaking Bad. The infamous mobile lab used by actors Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul is now part of the long list of vehicles we can never look at the same way again. While Sony Pictures sold a number of cars that appeared on the show, the studio is reportedly keeping the Bounder for its studio-lot tours.
And finally, one of the most quintessential cinema vehicles comes not from one movie, but from more than 50 years of filmmaking. James Bond films have featured a variety of Aston Martin sports cars since 1964, when Sean Connery first piloted a DB5 in Goldfinger. Since then, Aston Martins have appeared in nearly a dozen of the 007 films, and the automaker recently announced it would make 10 special DB10s apropos of the next James Bond film, Spectre.
Whether as spies, ghost-fighter or time machines, automobiles on screens big and small do much more than move actors from A to B.