雪中的知更鸟(图片来源:Andrew Howe / Getty Images)
知更鸟(拉丁学名:Erithacus rubecula)
在北美,驯鹿被称为北美驯鹿(caribou)(图片来源:lightpix / Getty Images)
驯鹿(拉丁学名:Rangifer tarandus)
驯鹿最有可能是因1823年的一首题为《圣诞前夕》(The Night Before Christmas)的诗,而披上有魔力的外衣、走进圣诞传说当中的。红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫(Rudolph)于二十世纪加入圣诞麋鹿队列,它的红鼻子照亮了平安夜雾蒙蒙的道路。
野生火鸡(拉丁学名:Meleagris gallopavo)
对许多人来说,备有各种配料的火鸡是传统圣诞晚餐所不可或缺的大菜。据称,火鸡肉首次取代诸如孔雀肉、野猪肉、鹅肉等的肉类发生在十六世纪,在英国国王亨利八世(King Henry the VIII)把火鸡肉纳入他的圣诞大餐之后。但直到维多利亚时代,这一习俗才渐渐普及开来。
Three animals that make the festive period
BBC News,29 November 2024
With winter well and truly upon us and the festive period fast approaching, we will soon be surrounded by robins on our Christmas cards, hear stories of magical reindeer pulling sleighs and sitting down to a turkey on our dinner table.
How did these wild animals become part of our festive traditions and celebrations?
Robin (Erithacus rubecula):
No other bird invokes the spirit of Christmas and winter like the robin. Perhaps it is because robins are one of the only UK birds that can be heard singing in the garden on Christmas day, warning off intruders from their territories with melodic song. Or is it their bright red breasts, which give a splash of colour and hope in the bleak midwinter?
Robins started to appear on Christmas cards in the mid-1800s after they gave their name to some of the first postal employees who wore red jackets, and who were often referred to as ‘robins’. On some of these early cards, the robin was often pictured carrying an envelope or postcard in its bill, delivering it like a postman.
Simply put, the robin gave its name to the postman and the postman gave its role to the robin. Every year since, robins have adorned our Christmas cards, stamps and other festive decorations.
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus):
Children still wait excitedly for Dasher, Prancer and the other flying reindeer that pulled Santa Claus’s sleigh round the world to deliver their presents.
Most likely these magical deer made it into festive lore because of the 1823 poem titled The Night Before Christmas. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was a 20th-century addition to the team, lighting the way on a foggy Christmas Eve.
Reindeer, or caribou as they are known in North America, can outperform all other large land animals with their energy efficiency – so really are a fitting choice as the legendary Christmas sleigh-pullers. Since their domestication reindeer have been a sled-puller of choice for many people in the Polar Regions.
They are able to survive in the extreme cold and snow of the Arctic, withstanding extreme temperatures as low as -40°C thanks to their compact bodies, warm insulating fur and large hooves.
Rather than flying through the air on Christmas Eve, reindeer are more usually seen on their mammoth annual migration to the Arctic, during which the North American herds might travel for more than 5,000km.
This extraordinary feat that can see them travel further than any other land mammal, so they are the best contender for being able to deliver presents all over the world in just one night!
Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo):
For many a traditional Christmas dinner would not be the same without a turkey and all the trimmings. In England it first replaced meats such as peacock, boar and goose in the 16th-century, after King Henry the VIII was said to have dined on turkey as part of his Christmas feast. But it did not start to gain popularity until the Victorian times.
Native to the Americas, explorers brought wild turkeys to Europe, and their domestication was so successful that English settlers actually took them back to America to farm.
Turkeys are the largest member of the game bird family, which also includes partridges, grouse and pheasants. During the breeding season, or when they get excited, the colour of their head can change through shades of red, white and blue.
Beyond the festive period, turkeys are perhaps best known for the ‘gobbling’ calls made by the males to attract a mate, leading to the name 'gobbler'.