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Module 12 Help听力练习

[2018年7月15日] 来源:沪教牛津版初中英语   字号 [] [] []  



Module 12听力练习



6A.Swimming.  BPurple.  CClassical music.

7A.Thank you!  BNot bad!  CI don't believe it!

8A.Yes, I like drawing. BNo, I don't like football.

     CI like traditional Western music.

9A.He was a musician.  BHe was popular.

CHe was good at writing music.

10A.It was from Europe.  BIt was by Becky Wang.  CIt was perfect.


11Where can the speakers be now?

AIn the hospital.  BIn the school.CIn the theatre.

12Who is the wonderful music by?

AMozart.  BLang Lang.  CStrauss.

13What kind of music is it?

ARock music.  BPop music. CClassical music.

14What does Bob think of rock music?

AIt's noisy.  BIt's relaxing.CIt's boring.

15Who likes Beijing Opera?

ABob.  BLucy.  CTony.


16Where does Linda live?

        AIn a town. BIn a village.C.In a city.

17What's Linda's mother's job?

AA teacher.  BA doctor.  CA manager.

18How long does Linda play the violin every day?

AHalf an hour.  BOne hour.  CTwo hours.

19What's Linda's favourite music?

AWestern music.  BClassical music.  CPop music.

20Who does Linda learn old songs from?

AHer mother.  BHer father. CHer teacher.



一、1.My father likes playing the drums.

2The girl lost her handbag.She was sad.

3Sara is good at playing the violin.

4My grandmother likes Beijing Opera very much.

5Jane's brother is a great musician.

二、6.What's your favourite music?

7What a sweet voice you have!

8Do you like traditional Western music or pop music?

9What was Mozart?

10What do you think of the concert?

三、WBob, listen! How wonderful the music is! Who's playing in the music room?

MOh, Lucy! My teacher Miss Wang is playing. It sounds good. Who's it by?

WIt's by Mozart.

MWhat kind of music is it?

WIt's a piece of classical music. What music do you like, Bob?

MI like rock music. And my friend Tony likes it too. It makes people relax, doesn't it?

WYes. But I like Beijing Opera better.

四、WMy name is Linda and I live with my parents in a big city. My mother is an art teacher and my father is an English teacher. I enjoy playing the violin, listening to music and singing. I play the violin for half an hour every day. Pop music is my favourite. I often listen to MP5 on my way to school or after school. Sometimes my parents take me to concerts. I also like singing old songs. My father is good at singing old songs. So I often learn old songs from him. Music makes me happy and relaxed. Music makes my life colourful.






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