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January 29, 2012:Syrian Singer Rallies Assad Forces
January 28, 2012:Obama Seeks to Contain College Costs
January 28, 2012:Obama Rallies Democrats, Predicts 'Tough Election' Ahead
January 27, 2012:Gene Therapy Halts Vision Loss in Dogs
January 26, 2012:US Representative Giffords Resigns Year After Arizona Shooting
January 26, 2012:Internet Opens Russia for Democracy Movement
January 25, 2012:'Hugo' Leads Oscar Race With 11 Nominations
January 25, 2012:Aquaponics Could Signal Future of Food
January 25, 2012:Sudanese Refugees Victims of Air Raid
January 24, 2012:Earth-Conscious Hotel Guests Re-Use Towels
January 24, 2012:Man's Africa Trek Saves Pristine Forests
January 21, 2012:Nano Tool Watches Teardrop Protein Destroy Bacteria
January 21, 2012:Caffeine Safely Stimulates Premaure Infants
January 21, 2012:Stampedes, Heat Pose Biggest Threats in Crowds
January 21, 2012:Study Links Flu Pandemics to La Ni?a
January 21, 2012:Remembering Blues Legend Etta James
January 21, 2012:Republican Field Tightens on Eve of Key S. Carolina Primary
January 20, 2012:Scientists:Agriculture Major Player in Climate Change
January 20, 2012:Abortion Weighs Heavily in Reproductive Rights Debate
January 19, 2012:Oregon Moves to Zone Ocean
January 19, 2012:Study: Nature Creates Buffer Against Climate Change
January 18, 2012:US Senators Support Philippines in S. China Sea Dispute
January 18, 2012:US Doctor Prescribes Food as Medicine
January 18, 2012:Illinois Nightclub Caters to Mentally Challenged
January 18, 2012:Clinton, Ouattara Discuss Ivory Coast Reconciliation
January 18, 2012:College Makes Human Rights a Major Issue
January 17, 2012:Three Countries to Test Climate Smart Farming
January 17, 2012:'The Artist' Tops Golden Globe Awards
January 15, 2012:EU Leaders Angry at Credit Downgrade
January 14, 2012:Passwords Could Soon Be Obsolete
January 14, 2012:Duplicitous Boss Turns on Female Secret Agent in 'Haywire'
January 13, 2012:ICRC Suspends Food Aid to 1.1 Million Somalis
January 11, 2012:New Coalition Promotes Investment in Health Workers
January 11, 2012:Hollywood Films Focus on Women Abused in Bosnian War
January 11, 2012:Global Warming Could Delay Next Ice Age
January 10, 2012:Mapping Mountain Range Found Under Antarctic Ice
January 10, 2012:Geophysicist Probes Ocean's Secrets
January 08, 2012:Maternal Health Poses Another Major Challenge for Somalia
January 07, 2012:Scientists Identify Deafness Gene in Mice
January 07, 2012:US Cancer Deaths Decline
January 04,2012:Study More Education Increases IQ Score
January 01, 2012:Iran Calls for New Nuclear Talks
December 30, 2011:Americans Try High-Tech Weight Loss Option
December 29, 2011:Refugee Crisis in South Sudan
December 27, 2011:Elephant Leaves Alaska for Warmer Home
December 28, 2011:2011 Breakthrough of the Year
12-24-2011:Massive Russian Protest Poses Growing Challenge to Putin
12-24-2011:Asia Pacific Region Faces Rising Costs From Storms, Disasters
12-23-2011:'Messiah' Holiday Tradition Marks 44th Year

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