Uganda Looks to Outsourcing to Creat Jobs 乌干达指望外包产业创造就业 From VOA Learning English, this is the Technology Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语科技报道。 For years, many western companies have sent important business services to India, where they can be done at lower cost. This is called outsourcing, and it has brought jobs to India. Other countries have seen the economic benefit of outsourcing and are seeking to copy the Indian model. 许多西方公司多年来将重要的商业业务发到印度,在这里,这些业务能够以较低的成本完成。这就是所谓的业务外包,同时它给印度带来了就业机会。其它国家看到了业务外包的经济收益,开始寻求复制印度的模式。 For example, officials in Uganda have opened an outsourcing centre to train people in Internet technology. Their aim is to create jobs for Ugandans. 例如,乌干达官员开设了一个外包中心培养互联网技术人才,其目的是为乌干达创造就业机会。 26-year-old Flavia Aliteesa studied information technology in school. Today, she is happy to have a job but does not perform high level IT work. She says, many of her former classmates have been unemployed for years. 26岁的Flavia Aliteesa在学校学习了信息技术。如今,她很高兴拥有一份工作,虽然不是从事高层次的IT工作。她说,她以前的很多同学都已经失业多年。 "First of all, I was given an opportunity to start working, otherwise I would have been seated back home doing nothing. At least it has given me a sense of independence, since I earn and I can do something on my own," said Aliteesa. 她说,“首先,我获得了一个工作的机会,否则我会一直坐在家里无所事事。它至少给了我独立的感觉,因为我自己赚钱,也可以自己做些事情。” Flavia Aliteesa works for a company called Techno Brain, it offers business process outsourcing, or BPO, to foreign companies. The Ugandan government hopes more companies like Techno Brain will begin operating in the country. Flavia Aliteesa就职于一家名为Techno Brain的公司,该公司面向外国公司提供业务流程外包。乌干达政府希望更多类似Techno Brain的公司开始在该国经营。 Uganda supports its small but growing BPO industry by giving free office space and Internet service in Kampala. The government has trained hundreds of people in the skills that BPO companies need, and plans to train thousands more. 乌干达在坎帕拉通过提供免费办公场所和互联网服务支持其微小却不断增长的业务流程外包产业。乌干达政府已经培训了数百名业务流程外包公司所需的人才,并计划再培训数千人。 Many people in Eastern Africa speak English, and the area is in the same time-zone as Europe. So countries there could be good places for call centers and data processing. And says Rogers Karebi, the head of the Uganda BPO Association, labor costs in other countries are growing. 东非的很多人都讲英语,并且该地区和欧洲位于同一时区。所以这些国家可能是建立呼叫中心和数据处理中心的好地方。同时乌干达业务流程外包联盟负责人Rogers Karebi表示,其它国家的劳动力成本正在上涨。 "Quite a number of firms in India, Asia and the Middle East have stepped up their prices, so the cost of outsourcing to the initially indigenous BPO destinations is on the rise. So, quite a number of firms in the demand markets are actually looking for alternative places to outsource to," said Karebi. 他说,“相当多印度、亚洲和中东地区的公司已经提高了他们的价格,所以最初的这些业务流程外包目的地的费用在上涨。因此,存在需求的很多公司实际上都在寻找外包给其它地方。” But there are big differences between Uganda and India, one of the most important is the cost of Internet service. Most experts agreed that the cost of Internet service in East Africa would eventually be lowered, but even this might not be enough. 但乌干达和印度之间有着巨大差异,其中最重要的是互联网服务的成本。大多数专家一致认同东非的互联网服务成本最终会下调,但即使这样可能还不够。 Stephan Manning is an outsourcing expert at the University of Massachusetts. He says, East Africa might not have anything special to offer. 斯蒂芬·曼宁(Stephan Manning)是美国马萨诸塞大学的外包专家。他说,东非可能没有特别吸引人之处。 "These services need to be distinct enough so that they don't enter price competition. And that's exactly the problem. In Kenya, if you provide English-speaking call center operations, then you do nothing different than the Filipinos or India, and there's no way you can compete on costs," said Manning. 曼宁说,“这些服务需要足够独特,才能不参与价格竞争。而这就是问题所在。如果在肯尼亚提供英语呼叫中心业务,和菲律宾或印度相比并无优势,在成本上也没法竞争。” He says it might be better for African countries to offer their services to neighboring countries. That way, he says, they would not being competition with Asia. 他说,非洲国家可能最好是为邻国提供服务,这样,他们就不用和亚洲竞争。