Iran Nuclear Agreement Called a Good First Step 伊朗核问题谈判达成历史性协议 From VOA Learning English, this is In The News. 这里是美国之音慢速英语时事报道。 This week, Iranian and international negotiators agreed on first steps to limit Iran's nuclear program. They also agreed to ease international economic pressure on Iran. The agreement was reached early Sunday in Switzerland. 本周,伊朗人和国际谈判代表就限制伊朗核计划的第一步达成协议。他们还同意减轻对伊朗的国际经济压力。该协议于周日上午在瑞士达成。 Secretary of State John Kerry described the agreement as a first step toward a possible peaceful settlement with Iran. 美国国务卿克里称该协议是走向和平解决伊朗问题的第一步。 American officials say Iran will dilute or weaken its near weapons grade uranium so it can not be used in weapons. Iran has also agreed to inspections of its nuclear centers. 美国官员表示,伊朗将稀释其接近武器级的铀,这样它们就不能被用于武器。伊朗还同意国际社会对其核设施进行检查。 In exchange, the United States and other countries will ease actions meant to punish Iran for its nuclear activities. But they will continue the strongest restrictions on Iran's oil exports and banking system. 作为交换,美国和其它国家将放松旨在惩罚伊朗进行核活动的各项措施。但他们将继续维持对伊朗的石油出口和银行系统最严格的限制。 The deal was delayed because of a dispute over Iran's claim to a right to enrich the metal uranium. The United States says no such right exists for any country. Different levels of enriched uranium are needed to produce nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif spoke to reporters after the deal was announced. 该协议被延迟,是因为对伊朗声称拥有浓缩铀金属的权利存在争议。美国表示,任何国家都没有这种权利。制造核能和核武器需要不同级别的浓缩铀。伊朗外长穆罕默德·贾瓦德·扎里夫(Mohammed Javad Zarif)在协议公布后对记者表示: "Many times, at least twice very explicitly in this text, this recognition is there that Iran will have an enrichment program. And we believe that we are right, and we are exercising that right and we only require respect for that right." “在这些文字中多次,至少两次非常明确地提出伊朗将拥有一个铀浓缩项目。我们认为我们是对的,我们在行使该权利,也要求尊重我们的这种权利。” The nuclear agreement has many critics. Israeli officials say it does nothing to stop Iranian efforts to build nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the deal. 这份核协议受到了很多批评。以色列官员表示,它对阻止伊朗发展核武器起不到任何作用。以色列总理内塔尼亚胡谴责了这份协议。 He said this is not a historic agreement, but a historic mistake. 他说,这不是一份历史性的协议,而是一个历史性的错误。 In Washington, President Barack Obama sought to answer concerns of Israel and American partners in the Middle East. Mr. Obama said the deal halts Iran's nuclear program for the first time in almost 10 years. He said the next step will be to negotiate a detailed and lasting solution. 而在华盛顿,奥巴马总统试图回应以色列及美国中东盟友的担忧。奥巴马表示,这份协议使得近十年来伊朗核项目第一次被叫停,他表示,下一步将会对具体细节和持久解决方案进行谈判。 The president appealed to American lawmakers not to move forward with new sanctions against Iran. Senator Saxby Chambliss is a member of the Republican Party from Georgia. He objects to any easing of economic pressure against Iran. 奥巴马总统呼吁美国国会议员不要推动对伊朗实施新的制裁。来自乔治亚州的共和党参议员萨克斯比·钱布利斯(Saxby Chambliss)反对放松对伊朗的经济压力。 "Now is just not the time to ease sanctions when they are working." 钱布利斯说,“现在还不是放松制裁的时候。” Many people are waiting to see what happens next. Ephrim Asculai was an official with the International Atomic Energy Agency. He now works at the Institute for Defense Security Studies in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv. He says the agreement answers many concerns over Iran's nuclear activities. But he is worried about some of the details, like whether Iran will let international inspectors visit all of its nuclear centers. 很多人都在等着看接下来会发生什么。Ephrim Asculai是国际原子能机构的一名官员。他现在就职于以色列城市特拉维夫的国防安全研究机构。他说,协议解决了很多对伊朗核活动的担忧。但他对一些细节表示担忧,像伊朗是否将会允许国际核查人员参观它们所有的核设施。 Mark Fitzpatrick is with the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. He says the two sides must now honor the agreement to show they can honor a deal. 马克·菲茨帕特里克(Mark Fitzpatrick)就职于伦敦的国际战略研究所。他说,双方现在必须认真履行协议,以表明他们会兑现该协议。 "Implementing it will show that they both mean what they say. It'll be very important that the two sides carry it out so that both sides can show their doubters – and both sides have real skeptics and doubters – that the other side can strike a deal and keep to it." 菲茨帕特里克说,“落实该协议将能表明双方都会说到做到。双方履行协议将非常重要,因为双方都不乏质疑者,只有这样双方才能对其质疑者表明对方会遵守协议。”