North Korea Executes Kim Relative 朝鲜处死金正日姑父张成泽 From VOA Learning English, this is In the News. 这里是美国之音慢速英语新闻报道。 This week, North Korea executed the uncle of leader Kim Jong Un. The official Korean Central News Agency said Jang Song Thaek was put to death on Thursday after facing a special military court. It said Jang was found guilty of attempting to overthrow the state, party and leadership. He was also accused of womanizing and drug abuse. 本周,朝鲜处决了领导人金正日的姑父张成泽。朝鲜官方媒体朝中社表示,张成泽经过特别军事法庭审判后于星期四被处死。该社表示,张成泽被判企图推翻国家、党和领导人。他还被指控沉湎女色和滥用毒品。 The announcement came just days after Jang Song Thaek was publicly ousted from power for suspected disloyalty and corruption. Korean Central Television broadcast images of his arrest on Sunday at a meeting of the Korean Workers' Party. 这一公告是在张成泽涉嫌不忠和腐败被公开赶下台仅仅几天后发布的。朝鲜中央电视台播出了周日他在朝鲜劳动党会议上被抓捕的画面。 On Friday, the official Rodong Sinmun newspaper published pictures of Jang at the military trial. They showed him lowering his head, with guards on both sides. 周五,朝鲜官方的《劳动新闻报》刊登了张成泽在军事审判中的照片,照片显示他低着头,两边站着警卫。 Andrei Lankov is a professor of Korean history at Kookmin University in South Korea. He says ousters, or purges, of North Korean officials are not uncommon. But he says the level of publicity in this case is unusual. 安德雷·兰科夫(Andrei Lankov)是韩国国民大学朝鲜历史方面的一位专家。他说,驱逐、清洗朝鲜官员并不少见。但他表示,这起案例的宣传力度不同寻常。 "In the past, hundreds or maybe even thousands of high level officials have been purged. Some of them executed. Some of them were sent to exile or prison. However, with very few exceptions in most areas, purges have always been fixed. Unlike say the Soviet Union under Stalin, when they remove the high level official, they usually did not make it public. When they did, it was never on such a scale." 兰科夫说,“在过去,数以百计甚至可能数以千计的高层官员被清洗。有些人被处死,有些人被流放或监禁。然而在很多领域,除了极少数例外,清洗是一成不变的。不像我们说斯大林统治下的苏联,当他们撤掉高层官员时,他们通常不会公开。即使公开也不会如此大规模。” Leonid Petrov is a Korea expert with the Australian National University. He questions whether Jang Song Thaek was actually plotting to overthrow the government. 列昂尼德·彼得罗夫是澳大利亚国立大学的一名朝鲜问题专家。他质疑张成泽是否真在密谋推翻政府。 "I think this has nothing to do with what really happened. Jang Song Thaek was a loyal member of Kim's regime. He was appointed by Kim Jong Il to supervise his son. Jang Song Thaek was doing everything possible to promote Kim Jong Un's image." 彼得罗夫说,“我认为这一切和实际情况不符。张成泽是金家政权的忠实成员。他被金正日指定辅佐他的儿子。张成泽用尽千方百计以提升金正日的形象。” Leonid Petrov says a personal or family dispute could have led to the execution. But he says it is also clear that Mr. Kim considered his uncle a threat. And he says the North Korean leader felt the need to send a message that he is in complete control. 彼得罗夫说,可能是一次个人或家庭争议导致了这次处决。但他表示,很明显金正日认为他的姑父张成泽是个威胁。他还表示,这位朝鲜领导人认为需要释放出这样一个信号:他完全掌控着朝鲜。 "The elites are scared to death at the moment. And the grassroots population of North Korea also gets the message that it is Kim Jong Un who is in the driving seat. They must follow his orders, and there's simply no alternative or any place for dissent in North Korea." 彼得罗夫说,“精英阶层这一刻都吓得要死。朝鲜的底层百姓也获得这样一个信号:金正日才是舵手。他们必须遵守他的命令,而且在朝鲜也没有任何异议的余地。” Mr. Jang was quietly ousted from power not once, but two times under the former North Korean leader. But he regained power with the help of his wife Kim Kyong Hui, the sister of the former leader. 张成泽不止一次被悄悄赶下台,但两次都是在朝鲜前领导人金正日时期。但他通过妻子金敬姬的帮助重获权力,他的妻子是朝鲜前领导人金正日的妹妹。 Much of North Korea's central leadership is from the rule of Kim Jong Il. Many officials are in their 60s or 70s. This has led some observers to debate the level of their support for 30-year-old Kim Jong Un. 朝鲜中央领导层多数来自金正日统治时期。许多官员年龄都在六七十岁。这也导致一些观察人士争论他们对30岁的金正日的支持程度。 Mr. Kim took power two years ago. Since then, he has replaced more than 40 percent of high level officials, and built his rule with a younger generation loyal to him. 金正日两年前上台。自那时起,他已经用忠于他的年轻一代替换了40%的高层官员,建立了自己的统治。 There were no signs of unrest in North Korea following the execution. But the South Korean Defense Ministry said it was closely watching the North Korean military for aggressive movements. 在这次处决之后朝鲜并无动荡迹象。但韩国国防部表示,他们正密切关注朝鲜军方的挑衅动作。 On Friday, the office of South Korea's president held a national security meeting to discuss the situation on the Korean peninsula. A Unification Ministry official said South Korea is watching the events with concern. 周五,韩国总统办公室召开了国家安全会议讨论朝鲜半岛局势。统一部官员表示,韩国正不安地关注着该事件。