Aging Countries Look to Vietnam to Fill Nursing Gap 老年化国家转向越南填补护士缺口 From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语健康报道。 Japan and Germany have the world's oldest populations, but neither country has enough trained health care workers to meet the needs of older adults. So, they are turning to Vietnam for help. 日本和德国的人口老龄化在全球最严重,但这两个国家都没有足够多训练有素的医护工作者来满足老年人的需求。所以它们正转向越南寻求帮助。 This month, 100 young Vietnamese are going to Germany as part of a project to train what are called geriatric nurses to work in the European country. The trainees recently completed a six-month language and culture class in Hanoi, they will spend the next two years in an occupational training program. If the trainees pass the final exam, they will be able to work in Germany as geriatric nurses for another 3 years. 本月,作为培训到欧洲工作的老年科护士项目的一部分,100名越南年轻人去往德国。这些学员们最近在越南河内市完成了一项为期六个月的语言文化课,今后两年她们将参加一项职业培训课程。如果这些学员们通过结业考试,她们就能作为老年科护士在德国再工作三年。 Germany is facing a crisis as low birth rates combine with a growing population of citizens who are living longer. About 20 percent of the population is over the age of 65, and that percentage is expected to continue rising. 德国正面临着一场低出生率和高寿命相结合的危机。德国人口近20%在65岁以上,而且这一比例预计将继续提高。 This is a problem Japan also faces. Later this year, 150 Vietnamese candidates will go to Japan for two years of training at the country's hospitals, after that they are expected to take the national nursing exam. 日本也面临这样一个问题。今年晚些时候,150名越南考生将前往日本的医院进行为期两年的培训。之后她们有望参加日本全国护理考试。 Japan already trains nurses from the Philippines and Indonesia, but the health care system has been criticized for being too restrictive. All candidates must take the same exam, but it is very difficult for foreign applicants because few can speak the Japanese language. 日本已经开始培训来自菲律宾和印尼的护士,但该国的卫生保健系统一直被批过于严格。所有考生必须参加相同的考试,但这对外国考生来说非常困难,因为很少有人会讲日语。 Yoko Tsuruya is the first secretary at the Japan's embassy in Hanoi. She says foreign nationals are given some help to complete the test, like being given more time to answer questions. To improve training, the government plans to combine language classes with real-life experience on the job. 鹤屋洋子(Yoko Tsuruya)是日本驻河内大使馆的一秘。她说,日本为外国人提供了一些帮助以通过考试,像外国人被给予了更多的答题时间。为了提升培训效果,日本政府计划把语言课程和该工作的真实体验结合起来。 Even with an aging population, many Japanese are opposed to foreigners working in some industries. Critics say foreign labor could lead to higher unemployment, but there is little opposition to foreign nurses. 即使面临人口老龄化,许多日本人还是反对外国人到某些行业工作。批评者说,外国劳工可能会导致更高的失业率。但很少有人反对“洋护士”。 In Vietnam, the situation is very different. 60 percent of the population was born after the Vietnam war ended in 1985. There is not enough jobs for everyone who wants one. Most children are expected to care for their aging parents when they get old. 而越南的情况完全不同。越南60%的人口出生于1985年结束的越战之后,国内无法为求职者提供足够的工作岗位。预计许多孩子将在长大后照顾年迈的父母。 Huong Thi Thi - the nurse trainee, thinks that in the future, Vietnam will need more hospitals for its elderly, but she adds, learning the skills overseas can help the Vietnamese develop this area for themselves. 实习护士Huong Thi Thi认为在未来,越南将需要为其老年人提供更多医院,但她补充表示,在海外学习这些技能有助于越南发展自己的这一领域。