Rights Groups Question U.S. Drone Strikes 人权组织质疑美国无人机袭击误伤平民 From VOA Learning English, this is In the News. 这里是美国之音慢速英语新闻报道。 This week, two human rights groups accused the United States of killing more civilians in drone strikes than American officials say. The groups say many of the attacks appeared to be illegal under international law. 本周,两家人权组织指责美国无人机袭击造成的平民遇难人数超出美国官员所言,这两家组织表示,很多无人机袭击似乎违反了国际法。 Human Rights Watch investigated six drone strikes in Yemen since 2009. It found that at least 57 civilians died in the attacks. Letta Tayler studies terrorist acts and anti-terrorism efforts for the group. “人权观察”组织调查了2009年以来在也门发生的6次无人机空袭。该组织发现,至少有57位平民在袭击中遇难。莱塔·泰勒(Letta Tayler)在该组织中负责研究恐怖行为和反恐措施。 "Two of the six cases that we examined in my report show that the U.S. indiscriminately killed civilians. This is a clear violation of international law." 他说,“我们报告中所调查的6起案例中,有两起案例显示美国滥杀平民。这显然违反了国际法。” The report says some drone strikes violated the rules set by President Obama to justify such attacks. The president has said the unmanned aircraft can be used when responding to an immediate threat to the United States. He also said they can be used when there is no hope of capturing a targeted terrorist, and "near certainty" that civilians will not be harmed. 该报告声称,一些无人机袭击违反了奥巴马总统为此类袭击辩解时制定的规则。奥巴马总统曾表示,无人机可用于响应针对美国的迫切威胁,他还表示,当抓捕恐怖目标无望,并且“几乎可以肯定”不会伤害到平民时可以使用无人机。 At the White House, Press Secretary Jay Carney rejected accusations that drone strikes violated international law. 白宫新闻秘书杰伊·卡尼(Jay Carney)否认了无人机袭击违反国际法的指控。 "To the extent these reports claim that the U.S. has acted contrary to international law, we would strongly disagree. The administration has repeatedly emphasized the extraordinary care that we take to make sure counterterrorism actions are in accordance with all applicable law." 他说,“这些报道在一定程度上指责美国已经违反了国际法,我们对此表示强烈反对。美国政府一再强调,我们采取了特别措施,以确保反恐行动遵循所有适用的法律。” Amnesty International examined nine American drone attacks in Pakistan. It says it found evidence that more than 30 civilians were killed in four of the strikes. A United Nations report has estimated that drone strikes in Pakistan killed 400 civilians over the past 10 years. 大赦国际调查了在巴基斯坦发生的9起美国无人机袭击。该组织声称有证据显示,三十多位平民在其中4起袭击中遇难。联合国的一份报告估计,过去十年,无人机袭击在巴基斯坦造成了400位平民遇难。 Both Amnesty and Human Rights Watch are calling for more congressional supervision of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Department. 大赦国际和人权观察都呼吁美国国会对中情局和国防部加强监督。 The first American drone attack in Pakistan took place in 2004. Many observers believe there was a secret agreement in which Pakistan privately approved of drone strikes but publicly condemned them. 美国首次无人机袭击巴基斯坦发生在2004年。许多观察家认为,巴基斯坦私下批准却又公开谴责无人机袭击,是因为存在一项秘密协议。 Pakistani officials say they are strongly opposed to the attacks. They condemn them as a violation of their country's sovereignty – the right to be free from interference by another country. They also say the attacks are fueling militancy in Pakistan. 巴基斯坦官员表示,他们强烈反对无人机袭击,并谴责无人机袭击侵犯了他们国家的主权--即不受他国干涉的权力。他们还表示,这些袭击加剧了巴基斯坦的交战状态。 North Waziristan has long been considered a center for al-Qaida militants and the Haqqani network. That group has been blamed for some of the deadliest attacks in Afghanistan. The United States has long pressured the Pakistani military to move against extremists in North Waziristan. However, some officials believe that state control has almost disappeared in the territory. 北瓦济里斯坦长期被认为是基地组织武装分子和哈卡尼网络的大本营。该组织一直被认为是阿富汗发生的一些致命袭击的元凶。美国长期以来一直对巴基斯坦军方施压,要求他们采取行动对付北瓦济里斯坦的极端主义分子。然而,一些官员认为,该地区的国家控制力已经几近消亡。 On Wednesday, President Obama and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met at the White House. They discussed cooperation in fighting terrorism and concerns about what the president called "senseless violence and extremism" in Pakistan. Afterward they spoke to reporters. Prime Minister Sharif said the two countries will continue to increase cooperation against terrorists. But he also called for no more drone attacks. 周三,奥巴马总统在白宫会见了巴基斯坦总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫(Nawaz Sharif)。他们讨论了合作打击恐怖主义以及奥巴马所说的“无谓暴力和极端主义”的问题。随后他们和记者进行了交流。谢里夫总理表示,两国将继续深入合作打击恐怖分子。但他还呼吁不要再进行无人机袭击。 "Pakistan and the United States have a strong, ongoing counterterrorism cooperation. We have agreed to further strengthen this cooperation. I also brought up the issue of drones in our meeting, emphasizing the need for an end to such strikes." 他说,“巴基斯坦和美国在反恐合作上深入持久。我们一致同意继续深化合作。在会议上,我也谈到了无人机袭击问题,并强调有必要终止无人机袭击。”