The Jury is Still Out 还没有定论
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2017年11月7日 作者:美国之音英语学习
Welcome to English in a Minute! 欢迎来到《一分钟英语》栏目!
A jury is a group of people chosen to decide what is true in a trial. 陪审团是被选出的一群人,他们决定审讯中谁是正义的一方。
the jury is still out 还没有定论
Are Jonathan and Anna in some legal trouble? 乔纳森和安娜是 卷到什么法律问题中了么?
Hey, how’s your new roommate working out? 喂,你和你的新室友相处的怎么样啊?
Well, she seems nice and she had good references. But...But? 嗯,她看起来很友善 而且推荐信上说她很好。但是。。。但是?
Well, she moved in only a week ago.So the jury is still out. 额,她搬过来才一周。所以她人怎么样还不确定。
Yeah, it takes time to find outif someone is a good fit as a roommate. 你说的对,还需要一段时间 才能发现她是不是一个好的室友。
“ The jury is still out ” is an expression from the courtroom. “The jury is still out”这个表述 出自于法庭。
It means the group has not yet reached a decision. 它的意思是陪审团还没有 做出决定。
But you can also use this expression to refer to anything that remains undecided.the jury is still out 但是你也可以用这个词组 指代任何 没有解决的事情。还没有定论
And that’s English in a Minute! 以上就是今天的《一分钟英语》栏目!
The jury is still out. 原意是陪审团还没有回到法庭,也就是说他们还在闭门讨论,尚未达成被告有罪与否的决定,引申为某事尚无定论。
The jury is still out on who is going to be our new boss. I heard there are quite a few good candidates. 谁会成为咱们的新上司还没定,我听说有很多不错的人选。