这个英语表达来自希腊神话中的一则典故。在这个故事中,人物迈达斯(Midas)拥有点石成金的能力。在现代英语中,人们用“the Midas touch 迈达斯的触摸”来形容“某人能把任何事物都转换成金钱的本领”,当我们说一个人“has the Midas touch”的时候,意思是说这个人拥有“做任何事情都能赚钱的能力”。 例句Oscar Green is an excellent actor. He was in three films this year, and they all won awards. He must have the Midas touch! She definitely has the Midas touch, because every company she works for always makes a lot of money after she starts working there. Everyone thinks that she has the Midas touch, but I don’t think so. She has never been successful in any of her jobs. |