William H. Macy's 2018 SAG Awards Speech
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2018年1月24日 作者:威廉·H·梅西(William H. Macy)
Thank you, all. Thank you,my fellow actors.That was not planned. Anthony and Aziz and Larry and Sean and Marc, good to see you again. I like our category best. A couple years ago, I was privy to a conversation where my friend David Mamet, who was really my mentor and taught me everything I know, was talking to a journalist. And the journalist said actors have a weird job. We just tell lies for a living. And David Mamet said, "No, no. An actor's job is to tell the truth." And after a confused conversation, the journalist finally said, "Well, I think we are saying the same thing." But they weren't. And even though our lines and the stories we're told are given to us by writers, it's our job under those imaginary circumstances to find the truth. And I think it's a glorious way to make a living especially in this day and age when so many people either can't recognize the truth or don't think it's important. And to my fellow nominees, you are very good at doing that. And, uhm, if you will ERIKA A. SJOQUIST, RPR, CRR, CSR #12350 indulge me, Felicity Huffman, I love you so much. And Sophia and Georgia, I'm proud to be your dad. Thank you, folks. Thank you, my fellow actors.