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Hezbollah launches rockets, drones into Israel as US warns Iran

[2024年4月13日]  作者:塞尔丁(Jeff Seldin)  来源:VOA News  整理:Geilien.cn   字号 [] [] []  
2024年4月12日,从以色列北部看到以色列的铁穹反导系统拦截了真主党从黎巴嫩向以色列发射的火箭弹。 (路透社照片)

U.S. President Joe Biden delivered a stern, one-word warning to Iran on Friday as the world braced for Tehran to exact revenge for a deadly Israeli airstrike on its embassy compound in Damascus, Syria.
美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)周五(4月12日)向伊朗发出了严厉的警告,目前全世界都在紧张观望德黑兰是否会报复以色列对其在大马士革使馆大院的致命空袭。

“Don’t,” Biden said to reporters following a speech on domestic policy at an event in New York City.
“不要这样做,” 拜登在纽约市的一次活动中说。拜登参加这次活动是为了发表关于国内政策的演讲。

“We are devoted to the defense of Israel,” the president said in response to questions from reporters. “We will support Israel. We will help defend Israel, and Iran will not succeed."

Biden’s comments followed similar expressions of support from top U.S. defense and diplomatic officials over the past several days and come as the U.S. military takes steps to ensure growing hostilities between Israel and Iran do not engulf the Middle East in a wider war.

"We are moving additional assets to the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts and increase protection for U.S. forces," a U.S. defense official told VOA Friday. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, declined to share additional details.

Even as U.S. officials warned Iran against seeking revenge, a key Iranian proxy sprang into action.

Lebanese Hezbollah late Friday fired dozens of rockets into northern Israel.

The Israel Defense Forces said it detected about 40 rockets crossing from Lebanon into Israel, some of which were intercepted by air defense systems.

The IDF also said it was able to intercept two explosive drones that Hezbollah militants had used to target Israel earlier Friday.

It is unclear whether the rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah were part of an effort by Iran to retaliate for the Israeli strike on Iran’s diplomatic compound earlier this month, which killed three senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commanders, including General Ali Reza Zahdi, who led Iran’s elite Quds force.
目前尚不清楚真主党的火箭和无人机袭击是否是伊朗报复以色列本月早些时候对伊朗外交大院的袭击的一部分,那次空袭打死了三名伊斯兰革命卫队高级指挥官,其中包括领导伊朗精锐部队圣城军的阿里·礼萨·扎赫迪(Ali Reza Zahdi)将军。

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned Wednesday that Israel "must be punished and will be punished” for the April 1 attack, days after one of his advisers said Israeli embassies are "no longer safe."
伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉·哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)周三警告说,以色列因4月1日的袭击“必须受到惩罚,并且将会受到惩罚”,此前一天哈梅内伊的一名顾问表示以色列的驻外使馆“不再安全”。

U.S. diplomatic officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, have been reaching out to counterparts in Turkey, China and Saudi Arabia, urging them to make clear to Tehran “that escalation is not in anyone’s interest,” State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters Thursday.
美国国务院发言人马修·米勒(Matthew Miller)周四告诉记者,包括国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)在内的美国外交官员一直在与土耳其、中国和沙特阿拉伯的外交官员接触,敦促他们向德黑兰明确表示“局势升级不符合任何人的利益”。

But the U.S. push for de-escalation has been accompanied by expressions of strong support for Israel in the face of potential Iranian aggression.

“We are in constant communication with our Israeli counterparts about making sure that they can defend themselves,” White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters early Friday, describing Iran’s threat to retaliate as “very credible.”
白宫国家安全委员会发言人约翰·科比(John Kirby)周五早些时候告诉记者,“我们一直在与以色列同行保持沟通,以确保他们能够自卫,”他称伊朗的报复威胁是“非常可信”的。

“We take our commitment to helping Israel with their self-defense very seriously,” Kirby said. “It is an ironclad commitment.”

During a call Thursday with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also offered Washington’s backing to Israel.
在周四与以色列国防部长约阿夫·加兰特(Yoav Gallant)的通话中,美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀(Lloyd Austin)也表示华盛顿支持以色列。

“Secretary Austin assured Minister Gallant that Israel could count on full U.S. support to defend Israel against Iranian attacks,” according to a Pentagon readout of the conversation.

The U.S. statements and the movement of additional resources to deter Iranian aggression, however, have done little so far to ease growing concerns.

“We are very worried about potential escalation in a situation that seems to be escalating on a daily basis,” said United Nations spokesperson Stephane Dujarric.
“我们非常担心局势可能升级,而局势似乎每天都在升级,”联合国发言人斯特凡·杜加里克(Stephane Dujarric)说。

“Our message, which has been sent publicly and privately, is to avoid any escalation and work toward de-escalation of the tensions,” Dujarric told reporters Friday.
“我们公开和私下发出的信息是避免任何升级,并努力缓和紧张局势,” 杜加里克周五告诉记者。

VOA’s Patsy Widakuswara and Margaret Besheer contributed to this report.