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Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Talking音频和原文

[2024年1月13日] 来源:新课标人教版            

这是新课程最新版高中英语教材,是由人民教育出版社出版、教育部2019审核通过的高中英语教材。其中必修教材分为第一册、第二册和第三册共3册,选择性必修教材分第一册、第二册、第三册和第四册共4册,选修教材分为第一册、第二册和第三册共3册。下面,给力英语与大家分享Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Listening and talking自主学习素材,听力原文在最后面。

***Listening and Talking***


Host: Hello and welcome to the Rush Hour Show, the radio show for your way home. Our guest today is Kevin Miller, with the Pay It Forward Foundation. Welcome, Kevin, so what is "paying it forward"?

Kevin: Hi, there. So "paying it forward” means that if you receive kindness from someone, you don’t try to pay them back. Instead, you go out and show kindness to someone else.

Host: Oh, so it's like helping a stranger. Can you give us an example of how it works?

Kevin: Well, I’m sure you’ve heard the famous country song, "The Chain of Love". The song starts with a man who helps a lady whose car has broken down. The lady wants to pay him, but he won't accept payment, instead telling the woman to just show kindness to another person. Later, when the lady stops at a cafe, she notices her waitress is pregnant and tired. When the lady finishes eating, she pays for her meal with a hundred-dollar bill. Then the lady walks out, leaving the change and a note for the waitress. Her note tells the waitress to continue the chain of kindness. The song has a surprise ending. The waitress goes home to her husband, happy because of the kindness the lady showed her. Then we find out that he’s the man who first started the chain of kindness!

Host: What a great story! So does this happen in real life?

Kevin: Yes, actually. One woman, after paying for her coffee, then quietly paid for the coffee of the customer behind her. When that customer discovered his coffee had been paid for, he paid for the customer behind him. The chain of kindness continued for hours. Nearly400 people paid for the coffee of the person behind them!

Host: Wow, that’s amazing.So what can our listeners do to help?

Kevin: Well, join the chain of kindness today and join the millions of people who are "paying it forward"!We never know what light we might spark in others by our kindness.

VOA 英语教学节目
