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Hit TV Show Resonates With Fathers in China

[2018年5月3日] 来源:纽约时报 作者:潘亚当   字号 [] [] []  

The premise of China’s new favorite reality television show – “Where Are We Going, Dad?” – is simple. Five famous fathers from urban China accompany their infant children on 72-hour trips to the countryside, competing as father-child duos against the other coupled contestants.



But the show’s mixture of handsome celebrities and adorable children, all sprinkled with a smattering of competition at a feel-good countryside setting, has proven to be a recipe for ratings dominance in China.


In the less than two months since “Where Are We Going, Dad?” first aired, the show has climbed to the top of Chinese television ratings, generated more than 10 million comments on China’s most popular Twitter-like microblog and ignited a popular debate not only on parenting but also on gender equality within the family.


“I watch it every week and talk about each episode incessantly with my female colleagues at work,” said Li Xiuying, a teacher in Beijing who estimated that 90 percent of her colleagues were female. “By showing fathers spending quality time with their kids, this show could spark a parenting revolution.”


Produced by Hunan Satellite TV, an independent powerhouse network in southern China, “Where Are You Going, Dad?” is so popular that the network decided to air new episodes eight times a week. The show’s viewership has risen steadily since its debut in early October, despite being pitted against other popular shows in one of China’s most competitive prime time television slots – Friday night at 10.


The celebrity fathers come from a range of different backgrounds, from the Taiwan singer and actor Jimmy Lin to the former mainland Chinese Olympic diving champion Tian Liang. But they share one thing in common – none of them felt that they had enough time with their kids before the show started.


“I’ve only been taking care of my son for three full days, and I feel like breaking down,” said Guo Tao, a mainland Chinese actor who teams up with his son Guo Zirui (nicknamed “Little Stone”) on the show. “I can’t imagine how my wife managed to do this for the past six years.”


Due to countless such parenting epiphanies that occur on the show, many wives are encouraging their spouses to tune into “Where Are We Going, Dad?”


“The show is a catalyst that will help change social expectations for fathers,” said Fu Xiaoping, a childhood education expert at the prestigious Fudan University in Shanghai. “By revealing the joy possible in child rearing, the show will help make fathers pay more attention to their kids. The result of the show will be 100 times better than any well-intentioned advice coming from wives.” According to a survey of 500 Chinese fathers conducted by the communications firm JWT, such change would likely be welcome. More than two thirds of the fathers surveyed ranked driving their children to school and extracurricular activities as their most important child-care responsibilities. In contrast, less than 20 percent of respondents viewed changing diapers and making lunches as part of their parenting duties. 来自著名学府上海复旦大学的儿童教育专家付小平说,“这档节目是个催化剂,引发爸爸们关注育儿,体会其中快乐,这效果要比妈妈们的苦口婆心强上百倍。”传播公司智威汤逊(JWT)发布的对500名中国父亲的调查表明,这样的转变可能颇受欢迎。调查中,超过三分之二的父亲将送孩子上学和参加课外活动列为自己最重要的育儿职责。相形之下,不到20%的受访者将换尿布和做饭列为自己的育儿责任。

In a separate survey conducted by the Chongqing Morning News in October, 81 percent of respondents said that fathers do not play a large enough role in educating their children, while only 17 percent said that their own fathers played the principal role in their upbringings.


Sun Yunxiao, the deputy director of the China Youth and Children Research Center, recently told the following story to the Chinese news media: “I once revealed to a taxi driver that I was involved in childhood education. He scoffed in response, ‘What are you doing getting involved in such things? That’s the job of you child’s mother; your job is to make money!’ The notion that men are outside the home and women must remain inside is still the traditional viewpoint.”



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