Beth Yes. Even if it seems like some words have completely different meanings with and without -s, such as 'mean' and 'means', there is usually still a connection between the two words.
Beth Let's look at an example – 'wood' and 'woods'. The singular uncountable noun, 'wood', is a natural material that comes from a tree and is used to build or make things, like tables and chairs.
Beth And, it's worth noting that its singular form is 'premise'. But, in everyday English, 'premises', with an -s, is always used. Have a listen to this example.
Example The New Year party has been held at the same premises for about ten years. (新年聚会已经有十年都在同一个场地举办。)
Beth And a similar example can be seen with 'good' and 'goods'.
Example Some deaf people use sign language as a means of communication. (一些聋人用手语作为交流手段。)
Beth So, sometimes words appear to change their meaning when they're followed by an -s. But often there is a connection between them and sometimes they just look and sound the same, but have a different meaning.
Jiaying 好了,谢谢两位听众发来的问题。希望通过我们的讲解和例句,大家对单词末尾加 s 后,其含义是否改变有了更深入的理解。