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一个漆黑的暴风雨之夜,托马斯·斯旺正在他最喜欢的鸭与哨酒馆排练莎士比亚戏剧《理查三世》中的国王理查一角。剧中的理查国王杀光了每一个妨碍他获取绝对权力的人,因此他的称号“理查国王”本身就像一座塔楼 a tower of strength,强大而不可侵犯,象征着无上的权力。在现代社会,要想成为 a tower of strength,需要具备哪些素质呢?
It was a dark and stormy night. Thomas Swann is in his favourite pub, the Duck and Whistle. He's rehearsing the role of King Richard in Shakespeare's Richard III.
The King's name is a tower of strength... Hmmm. I could play it quietly: The King's name is a tower of strength... or angrily: The King's name is a tower of strength...
Here you go Mr Will, Mr Thomas, two more ales.
Will, how should I play this line? What is Richard's motivation here?
Thomas, Thomas, don't you understand? King Richard is about to go into battle. The opposing army has six or seven thousand men.
That's a lot of men!
Richard is not afraid. He has three times that number of soldiers.
Twenty thousand men - that's a big army!
Yes, but Richard has something more powerful than even the greatest army. He has his name: King Richard. That name makes him strong; powerful. It makes ordinary people fear and respect him.
So the name King Richard is as strong as a tower...
Exactly. Richard's enemies don't have that.
So this line needs strength and confidence.
Yes. This play is about power - and what people will do to get it. Let us rehearse. I am Norfolk, your general. Six or seven thousand is their utmost power.
Thomas Swann as Richard III
Why, our battalion trebles that account. Besides, the King's name is a tower of strength
Which they upon the adverse party want.
You have it! Well done! I'll drink to that. Another jug of ale!
Here you are, sir.
We'll leave them there for now. In Richard III, or as I like to call it, the Mafia play, King Richard murdered everyone that stood between him and the absolute power that he wanted, including the Prince of Wales, his brother Clarence, Misters Rivers, Vaughn and Grey, Lord Hastings, King Edward IV's two young sons - and his own wife! Of course, these days, you don't have to kill your family to be described as a tower of strength - you just have to be strong, reliable, trustworthy, dependable and good in a crisis. Like footballer David Beckham, who said:
Clip 1
Alex Ferguson was like a father to me. He was a tower of strength.
Clip 2
My husband was a tower of strength when I had that operation - he really looked after me well.
Mr Will, a message from your wife. She says if you're not home in five minutes, don't bother coming home ever again.
The old ball and chain at it again, eh? Come on Will, have another beer!
Hmmm... To beer, or not to beer: that is the question.
Edited by: geilien.cn
a tower of strength 中流砥柱; 金城铁壁; 可信赖的人; 擎天支柱;a person who gives you help and support when you are in a difficult situation;
1.Pat was a tower of strength to our whole family.
同义短语是 a pillar of strength.
2.Polly was a tower of strength to me when I was ill.