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一个阳光明媚的下午,莎士比亚的女儿来找他。此时,这位剧作家正在写一部关于金钱的戏剧《威尼斯商人》,剧中的角色摩洛哥亲王必须从三个匣子中选择正确的一个,才能迎娶美丽的鲍西娅。他选择了外表华丽的金色匣子,可是里面只有一纸卷轴,上面写着 all that glisters is not gold,闪光的不一定都是金子。All that glisters is not gold 这个短语警示我们,不能被那些表面看上去很好的人或事所蒙蔽。在现代英语中,单词 glisters 是如何演变的呢?
It was a sunny afternoon. William Shakespeare is working on his play The Merchant of Venice. His daughter comes to see him.
Father, look at my new ring! Isn't it lovely, gold and shiny…
Dear daughter, it is very beautiful. Where did you get such a pretty thing?
From the market. It was much cheaper than the gold merchant!
Is it real gold?
Yes, of course!
So, my dear daughter, why is your finger green?
My dear daughter, you have a lot to learn… sit with me while I work. The Merchant of Venice. The Prince of Morocco wants to marry the beautiful Portia. But first, he must choose between three boxes: one made of gold, the second of silver, and the third, of cheap lead. Only one of the boxes contains a picture of Portia, and if the Prince chooses the wrong one, he cannot marry her. So, dear daughter, which box does he choose?
The gold box! Is it real gold?
He chooses the gold box indeed, and indeed it is real gold. The Prince believes that only the most beautiful box can hold the painting of the beautiful Portia. But in fact, it holds not a picture, but a scroll with these words: All that glisters is not gold…
Robert Harley as The Prince of Morocco
All that glisters is not gold;
Often have you heard that told:
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold:
He thought that because the box is beautiful on the outside, something beautiful must be inside… he was wrong.
We'll leave them there for now. The Merchant of Venice is a play about money, money, money, and the phrase all that glisters is not gold warns us not to be fooled by people or things that look good - because they might not be as good as they look on the surface! In modern English, the word glisters is often changed to glistens or glitters.
Clip 1
Well that car looks fantastic, but all that glitters is not gold. Check the engine before you buy it.
Oh father, will you buy me a real gold ring? Pleeeeeaase?
Hmmm… to buy, or not to buy: that is the question.
Edited by: geilien.cn
发亮的东西一定是金子?发亮的东西不一定都是金子。喻不要被虚伪的言辞或华丽的外表欺骗和蒙蔽。出自拉丁成语。英国作家养史(Geoffrey Chaucer.约13401400)的《坎特伯雷故事集、(The Canterbury Tales .约1387)是未完成的名著。作者在这部作品中借一批从伦孰去坎特伯雷朝圣的香客之口,讲述了23个故事.书中有“发亮的东西不一定都是金子”和“好看的苹果并不一定好吃”的说法。英国剧作家莎士比亚(William Shakespeare, 1564-- 1616 )在《威尼斯商人》( The Merchant of Venice, 1600)第2幕第7场中.描写了鲍西娅的父亲在遗嘱中规定她择婿的办法。他让求婚者在金匣、银匣和铅匣中挑选一只,其中只有一个匣子里装着鲍西娅的肖像。谁选中有鲍西娅的肖像的匣子,就将成为成功者。摩洛哥亲王选了金匣子,但里面只有一个骼镂和一张纸条。纸条上写着:All that glisters is not gold.(发亮光的东西不一定都是金子。)